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Components are extra objects that are part of the process in making buildings. Some components of a building are required, and some are optional, though it's wise to have all types of available components in a building to for maximum efficiency. The player must always make sure there is space for the building to fit all the components. The only type of buildings that need components are ones that are meant to serve the purpose of providing a good or service. Much like buildings themselves, components cost resources.

Components can also determine how many employees work at a building. For example, each oven placed in a bakery allows 2 employees to work there. Generally, most buildings have at least one necessary component to make the building functional, and at least one optional component to add some sort of efficiency to it. Some components can be expanded, therefore offering more of something the bigger they are, but will obviously take up more space and cost more resources, meaning the building may have to be expanded even further.

Some buildings are constructs require no components at all, as the building itself may act as the component - game mechanic wise.

Components list

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This is a complete list of every building and their components. Some buildings, game mechanic wise, are treated as if the building in itself is a component. If that's the case, the word "None" will be shown in the "components" section for that particular building. Components marked with an asterisk (*) are required for the building to be built.

Building Component(s)
Army Supply Depot None
Training Ground *Training Dummies
Archery Range *Training Targets
Library *Scribe Station, Shelf, Carpet
Mass Grave None
Graveyard *Grave, Tree, Flowers
Crypt *Grave, Statue
Guardpost None
Dungeon *Cells
Scaffolds *Gallows, *Chopping Blocks, Decorations
Slaver *Station
Court *Courts, Spectators
Temple of Aminion
Temple of Athuri
Temple of Crator
Temple of Shmalor
*Altar, Decorations, Torch, Relief
Bakery *Oven, *Storage, Auxiliary Oven
Brewery *Kettle, *Storage, Auxiliary Oven
Charcoaler *Kiln, *Storage, Auxiliary Kiln
Metal Smelter *Furnace, *Storage, Auxiliary Furnace
Weaver *Loom, *Storage, Auxiliary Loom
Carpenter *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Bowyer *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Fletcher *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Jeweler *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Masonry *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Papermaker *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Pottery *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Tailor *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Smithy *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Rationmaker *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Woodcutter *Storage, Auxiliaries
Claypit *Storage, Auxiliaries
Coal Mine *Storage, Auxiliaries
Gem Mine *Storage, Auxiliaries
Ore Mine *Storage, Auxiliaries
Sithilon Mine *Storage, Auxiliaries
Stone Mine *Storage, Auxiliaries
Fishery *Storage, Auxiliaries
Hunter *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Cannibal *Work Bench, Auxiliary Station
Cotton Farm None
Fruit Farm None
Grain Farm None
Mushroom Farm None
Vegetable Farm None
Opiate Farm None
Auroch Pasture *Gate
Entelodont Pasture *Gate
Globdien Pasture *Gate
Onx Pasture *Gate
Canteen *Cooking Station, Tables
Eatery *Storage
Tavern *Table, Nicknacks, Carpets
Flat House *Apartment, Nicknacks, Carpets
Dormitory *Beds, Nicknacks
Chamber None
Bathhouse *Basin, Benches
Well None
Lavatory *Latrine, *Basins
Throne None
Warehouse *Crates
Export Depot None
Import Depot None
Hauler None
Janitor None
Workstation None
Decorations *Statues, *Trees, *Pillars
Torch None
Hearth None
Administration *Clerk Station, Shelf, Carpet
Cretonian Breeder *Crib, Hut
Garthimi Hatchery *Breeding Spot, Humidifier
Human Nursery *Crib, Carpet
Tilapi Nursery *Crib, Carpet