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Stacked and ready.
Building Information
Building cost None
Category Logistics
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? No
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

Haulers are a logistics marker the player can place where a chosen resource can be stockpiled. This is useful for having a large amount of resources near certain areas for building things at a later time. In other words, it prevents citizens from having to travel as far to get helpful resources when they're building something. Haulers also allow more resources to be moved around at once, though this only occurs when moving things to the hauler.

Creating haulers are completely free, and cost no resources whatsoever to make, as they are simply markers, and not a building. Each hauler mark can store a maximum 96 units of a resource. Using haulers in tandem with builder outposts can be very helpful, as both a construction area will be provided with the much-needed building resources nearby.

In-game description

"Fetches a certain resource and hauls it to a location. Good for moving resources great distances. Haulers are free to construct, but must be placed on the clear ground."


  • Despite the hauler being a marker and not a conventional building, the hauler is still categorized with other buildings.


Version history


  • Hauler room added. Can be placed for free on cleared ground and will employ haulers, that will fetch resources to the room.