Training Ground
Training Ground | |
![]() | |
Where strength is born! | |
Building Information | |
Icon | ![]() |
Building cost | Wood:![]() ![]() Stone: ![]() ![]() Grand: ![]() ![]() |
Category | Infrastructure |
Sub-category | Military |
Produces noise? | Yes |
Components | 1 |
Expandable? | Yes |
Component Requirements | Training Dummies:![]() ![]() |
Production Information | |
Input | None |
Output | None |
A Training Ground is an infrastructure building within the military sub-category. This building - as the name would imply - is where citizens can do combat training, becoming combat capable soldiers. There is only one required component to the building, being the training dummies. Training can be customized in the conscription GUI, which is found in the upper-left area of the screen. Here, training citizens can be placed into divisions, with the player able to customize the following: the species of the division, how many soldiers are in each division, having a specified level of training and the amount of battlegear they equip themselves with.
When someone begins training, they start out as a recruit. Once they reach level 1 or higher, they become a soldier. Citizens at level 1 will remember their training for 5 years, after which they will forget their training and will have to retrain again. Citizens at level 15 will have to train every day to maintain their skills. Only soldiers can be sent out in the world map to perform tasks and battles. Recruits are not able to be sent out. Before divisions can be sent out in the world map, they require a certain amount of resources before being sent out. These resources must be stocked up in an army supply depot. The bigger the division, the more resources are required.
These divisions can be placed into armies. When selecting a player-controlled army in the world map, one can add more recruits to an army's division, but this requires more resources from the army supply depot, and for those recruits to train beforehand. The higher the specified training level, the more in-game days the player must wait.
The training speed of citizens can be upgraded with knowledge points.
In-game description
"Where subjects are trained into soldiers."
A very large training ground.
Version history
- Fixed archers not training to their max setting.
- Fixed returning soldiers training.
- Fixed ranged training for regional divisions.
- Fixed archers from not training melee.
- Fixed new recruits training.
- Fixed broken training. Sadly, weirdness persists, or I'll have to break saves. People training in archery will still claim barracks spots.
- Adjusted raider equipment and training.
0.59.1 - 0.59.26
- Fixed some training shenanigans.
- Fixed correct training for your city divisions on the world map.
- Fixed subjects not training when armies are sent out.
- Balancing of raiders and rebels. Bigger chance of smaller rebels, less training and equipment.
- Rebels will start with 0 battlegear and low training, then acquire more as time passes.
- Training room construction CTD.
- Fixed some training bugs.
- Fixed a bug where the last recruit would stop training.
- Fixed training ground reservations. Old saved need to deactivate and activate training grounds.
- Training fixed again.
- Training room bugs fixed.