Army supply depot

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Army Supply Depot
Lot of traveling involved...
Building Information
Building cost × 15 + 5
+ 15 + 8
× 30 + 10
+ 48 + 16
× 60 + 20
+ 96 + 32
Category Logistics
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

An Army Supply Depot is a logistics building that's responsible for supplying any campaigning armies that are outside the player's settlement and doing work any other location on the world map. There are 7 types of resources that can be sent through these depots: rations, clothes, drinks, weapons, armour, arrows, and bows - though only a single type of resource can be stored in a given supply depot at a time, meaning that you need at least 3 army supplies (one each for rations, clothes, drinks) to send troops to an army.

Mechanically, supply depots function similar to a warehouse, even including the "fetch" feature, which - when enabled - citizens will immediately collect the specified resource from the nearest warehouse.

Over time, any stored resource will be delivered to all armies on the world map evenly. This means that if there are too many soldiers on the world map, there can easily be a shortage of resources between armies. If an army is not properly supplied with the needed resources, soldiers will desert their armies.

Note that enough resources must be sent out through the supply depot before sending a division out, because there are requirements of resources for each division based on their size.

In-game description

"Needed to supply armies on the world map."