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The best care with Cantor Insurance...
Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
Category Civics
Sub-category Health
Produces noise? No
Components 1
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Beds:
  × 4 (per bed)
  × 2 (per tile)
Production Information
Input -1.00
Output None

The Hospital is an unlockable civics building under the "health" sub-category. It provides citizens with healthcare by treating any injuries or sicknesses they may have suffered. There is only one component to the building, being hospital beds the patients rest on. Roughly every eight beds placed increases the needed doctors by 1.

The building will need a constant supply of opiates and fabric to maintain. The fabric is for changing the cleaning the beds, while the opiates are for treating any pain a citizen may have.

The building costs 1200 knowledge points to unlock, but the physician must be unlocked first at 500 points. Though there are no technology upgrades for the hospital directly, however, the "Workplace Safety" unlock can potentially decrease the need for hospital visits, as working conditions will be improved, therefore limiting workplace accidents.

In-game description

"A place for your subjects when wounded or sick. Gives them a better chance of survival."