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A humble abode for your loyal subjects.
Building Information
Building cost
Category Housing
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? No
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

A Home is the standard building where your non-noble subjects can take up residence. It is - unsurprisingly - found in the "Housing" section. The building provides a variable amount of housing depending on which variant you use, as well as a varying amount of privacy (which can be both good or bad depending on race). The residents can furnish the home in which they currently live with furniture, which consumes resources depending on how many you have allotted for use. There are no components to this building, and they come in 4 variants: Apartment, House, Dormitory, and Longhouse.

Apartments are a 3×3 structure that provide housing for 2 subjects and provides 100% privacy. Houses are a 3×5 structure that provide housing for 2 subjects and provides 75% privacy. Dormitories are a 5×5 structure that provide housing for 2 subjects and provides 50% privacy. Longhouses are a 5×9 structure that provide housing for 2 subjects and provides 0% privacy.

Unlike almost every other building in the game, all variants of the home are fully walled by default, and thus do not need to have further walls built through structures. Subjects will take housing as close to their job as possible, even if the home will not provide their preferred amount of privacy. Different species can not cohabitate, meaning each residence will only contain one race.

Each race has a different home privacy preference, either desiring maximum privacy or none at all. The Garthimi, Cretonians and Argonosh desire no privacy, while Humans, Dondorians, Tilapis, and Cantor prefer 100% privacy. You can let them reside in homes that do not provide the privacy they desire, but they will lose satisfaction.

Once a subject has a home, they can take resources to furnish it. Each race will have a different spread of resources that they can ration to fulfill this desire, from stone to gems and even livestock. Subjects will consume 1 resource when allotted, then 0.25 of each year in upkeep.

In-game description

"Essential service where your subjects sleep and spend much of their time. Comes in different sizes with different space values. The privacy value affects a subject's happines depending on species. Bigger variations of home allow for more occupants, but at the cost of privacy. Subjects can upgrade their homes with resources if you allow them."
