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Where liquid happiness is made.
Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  × 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 1
  × 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 2
  × 1 (every 5 tiles)
Category Work
Sub-category Refining
Produces noise? No
Components 2
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Kettle:
  × 2
  × 6
  × 1
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
Auxiliary Kettle:
  × 2 + 1|3
  × 3 + 1|2|5
  × 3 + 1|2|5
Production Information

The Brewery is an unlockable work building under the "refining" sub-category, that allows citizens to make drinks. In terms of resource making, this building is among the more expensive ones, because three resources are needed to keep the drink production going: grain/fruit, pottery and coal. There are three components to the building: the first one is the required kettle, with each one allowing two employees to work in the building. The second component is the required storage, to stockpile what's needed to make drinks. The third component is the optional auxiliary kettle, which adds efficiency to the room, which speeds up the drink-making process. The coal is for fueling the kettles, the pottery for making drink containers and the grain for processing into the alcohol.

Much like other resource-creating buildings, the larger and more component-filled the brewery is, the more drinks can be made, but will require more resources to sustain that.

Breweries generate a lot of noise, so it's best to build them somewhat far away from public places where sound would annoy citizens. They don't generate as much noise as mines, however. Meaning that the noise of breweries don't reach as far as the mines do. Breweries can be upgraded with knowledge points to speed up bread production. The player can choose to change the recipe of the drinks being made: to use either grain or fruit. Carefully selecting which of those two resources to be used for drink production and/or switching back and forth between the two can greatly manage how much of them are stockpiled.

Breweries are unlocked by unlocking the "Refining #2" category with 50 knowledge points, or 100 when including the one unlock before it.

In-game description

"Refiner that turns pottery, coal and grain into drink."


  • In previous versions of the game, the brewery was split into two types of breweries: the grain brewery and the fruit brewery. The two were combined into one building for convenience. It was also called the "distillery" in previous versions.