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What can brown do for you?
Building Information
Building cost × 16 (per transport)
× 6 (per transport)
× 16 (per transport)
Category Logistics
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

A Transport is an unlockable logistics construct that allow very large quantities of a chosen resource to be moved from the transport to a selected destination, which must either a warehouse or a hauler. A transport does not require any additional components to function, and is not built like a standard building with walls and doorways.

The process of loading up a transport with resources is done by the citizens, but moving the resources from the transport to the set destination require livestock. Therefore, a transport cannot function if the settlement has no livestock. The larger the transport, the more livestock it can use. Overall, transports are an excellent way of moving large numbers of a resource at once over large distances, instead of citizens having to move these amounts back and forth constantly over these distances.

The size of transports cannot be customized in the way that a standard building can. Instead, the player has to choose from a set of different sizes, similar to the way that components are resized, which are - by default - the  Q  and  E  keys.

The transport costs 300 knowledge points by itself, but costs 1050 in total when including all the previous unlocks that must be purchased beforehand.

In-game description

"Transports very large quantities of a selected resource to a selected room, such as a hauler or a warehouse. The transport requires livestock to operate."