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Revision as of 15:39, 17 October 2021 by Zippy (talk | contribs)
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What can brown do for you?
Building Information
Building cost × 16 (per transport)
× 6 (per transport)
× 16 (per transport)
Category Logistics
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

Transports are logistics constructs that allow very large quantities of a chosen resource to be moved from the transport to a selected destination, which must either a warehouse or a hauler. A transport does not require any additional components to function, and is not built like a standard building with walls and doorways.

The process of loading up a transport with resources is done by the citizens, but moving the resources to the set destination requires livestock. Therefore, a transport cannot function if the settlement has no livestock.

In-game description

"Transports very large quantities of a selected resource to a selected room such as a hauler or a warehouse. The transport requires livestock to operate."