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Revision as of 20:20, 17 April 2024 by Scribonius (talk | contribs) (Created a page for embassies and made a brief descripiton of how to use emissaries)
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A place to lick the boots of other rulers.
Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
 (per tile)
  × 1
 (per tile)
  × 2
 (per tile)
Category Infrastructure
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 1
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Workstation:
  × 3
  × 1
  × 1  (per component)
Production Information
Output None

Embassy is an unlockable infrastructure building that becomes available once a settlement has reached the "Dakori" status around 500 population. The building's purpose is to train emissaries to interact with foreign powers. Citizens working there will become emissaries who interact with the courts of foregin rulers. There is one components for this building: the required workstation, which allows for 1 worker to be employed in the building.

Using emissaries

In order to use emissaries one must go to the factions menu, there you can see the rulers and heirs of other countries in the world. Your emissaries can interact with these characters in 3 distinct ways:

1: Flatter - Increases the character's opinion of you and your faction.

2: Favor - Only avaliable for heirs. Increases this heir's chance of becoming the ruler of the faction once the current ruler dies.

3: Assassinate - Assassinate a ruler or heir. Has a small chance of successfully killing the character, but will decrease their opinion with you severly if they survive.

In-game description

"Trains emissaries that can be sent on foreign missions."

Version history


  • Embassy added, workers can interact with foreign rulers.