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Revision as of 10:51, 12 March 2023 by Scribonius (talk | contribs) (Created a page for the catapult building.)
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Army Supply Depot
Rain death from afar.
Building Information
Building cost × 20
x 15
Category Military
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? No
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

A Catapult is a military building that is a stationary defense emplacement that can be used to fire upon your enemies in the event of an invasion. They may be built on the ground or upon any built walls.

Mechanically they are controlled through the military screen and will be manned by civilians (6 per catapult). The civilians will need access to stone, and firing the catapult will consume stones in the process. The catapult has a 90 degree firing arc, a range of 156 tiles, an accuracy of about 93%, and has a reload time of 30.0.

In-game description

"Can be mounted on walls, or on the ground. Can fire at enemies within a 90 degrees. Needs stones and manpower to operate. Is manned by civilians through the battle UI."
