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Where invisible men are prayed to.
Building Information
Icon (Temple of Aminion)
(Temple of Arthuri)
(Temple of Crator)
(Temple of Shmalor)
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
Category Civics
Sub-category Temples
Produces noise? No
Components 4
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Altar:
  × 20 + 10
  × 16 + 8
  × 16 + 8
  × 2 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 2
  × 1
  × 1
  × 2
  × 1
  × 1
Production Information
Input (Temple of Aminion)
(Temple of Athuri)
(Temple of Crator)
(Temple of Shmalor)
Output None

A Temple' is an unlockable building under the civics category within the "temples" sub-category. There are three temples in the game: the Temple of Aminion, Temple of Athuri, Temple of Crator and the Temple of Shmalor. Each temple provides citizens happiness, depending on what religion they follow. The downside of the Temple of Aminion is that it heavily clashes with other religions, given the malevolent nature of that god, which includes human sacrifices to appease him. The Temple of Shmalor also holds that requirement.

Temples require a high amount of components compared to most other buildings, being four. The required component is the altar, while the decorations, torch and relief are all optional, but add efficiency to the temple. The space of the temple will also boost efficiency. Temples are among the most the expensive buildings to build, due to the type of materials required to build them. The building requires cut stone for the foundation, regardless of the structure/wall types chosen. This includes the components as well, as the every component (except the pathway) require both sithilon ore and jewelry, two of the most expensive resources in the game.

Each god of their own respective temples require different offerings: the Temple of Aminion requires human sacrifice, the Temple of Athuri requires food and the Temple of Crator requires livestock. The "Spirituality #5" unlock must be purchased with 400 knowledge points (or 850 when including the previous unlocks), which unlocks all three temples at once.

A citizen properly getting to worship their favored gods will increase their "religion" stat.

In-game description

Temple of Aminion:
Aminion, the fallen one, lord of chaos. The nemesis of the Athuri. Promotes submission and requires human sacrifice. Clashes with most other religion.

Temple of Athuri:
Athuri Astari, the leader and greatest of the Astari. Defeated his brother Bardok in both wars against him. Accepts food as offerings.

Temple of Crator:
Crator Astari, is the foremost creator of the Astari. He created many of the species of Syx and its animals and fauna. He was later tempted by Aminion, god of chaos, and forced to created foul creatures to do the bidding of chaos. Accepts animals (livestock) as offerings.

Temple of Shmalor:
The cult of Shmalor, the queen the Agonosh that was slayed by the Tilapi chieftain Trinduri during the first war of the gods. According to some, she still holds sway over the material world. Requires human sacrifices.