Human Nursery

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Human Nursery
Preschool not included.
Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
Category Civics
Sub-category Procreation
Produces noise? No
Components 2
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Crib:
  × 2 (per crib)
  × 2 (per crib)
  × 10
Production Information
Input -0.50

A Human Nursery is an unlockable civics building under the "procreation" sub-category, where Humans can breed and raise babies of their own kind, thus increasing a settlement's population with Humans. There are 2 components to the building: the required crib to hold the babies, and the optional carpet to increase efficiency/breeding speed. Fruit is needed to feed the babies, otherwise they will starve to death. Humans become adults after 64 days of childhood (4 years).

The maximum amount of workers allowed in the building is equal to the number of cribs in the nursery. This building is one of four breeding buildings, the other three being the Cretonian Breeder, Garthimi Hatchery and Tilapi Nursery.

All the nurseries can be unlocked at once, which costs 100 knowledge points by itself. It costs 400 in total to also purchase the unlocks before it, leading to the nurseries.

In-game description

"A place where human babies are born and brought up. Each station is capable of bringing one up and requires fruit to operate, or else the child will starve."

Version history


  • Introduced.