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Where Shakespeare's works come to life.
Building Information
Building cost Booth:
  × 10
  × 10
  × 20
  × 20
  × 10
  × 40
  × 50
  × 80
Category Civics
Sub-category Entertainment
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? No (different size stages
can be chosen)
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

The Stage is an unlockable civics building under the "entertainment" sub-category. A stage allows citizens to put on acts in order to entertainment spectators, thus increasing their happiness. Those on stage will either act or sing. The bigger the stage, the higher the quality. Stages are not built like most buildings, in that they can't be designed by clicking and dragging the mouse. Instead, there are three choices of stages that come in fixed sizes: the booth, bandstand and pavilion, with their sizes being 4×4, 7×7 and 10×10 respectively. The quality of each stage provides 50%, 65% and 100% respectively.

However, as one would easily expect, the bigger the stage, the more resources it will cost. Unlike the somewhat similar speaker stands, the stage performers do not teach anything or indoctrinate anyone, as only entertainment is provided. The stage is unlocked by unlocking the first "Civics #2" category with 50 knowledge points, or 100 when including the unlock before it.

In-game description

"A stage allows subjects to listen to a tune, or see a play. A stage is only active when mannered. Bigger stages offer more quality."