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One must preach to reach others... mentally.
Building Information
Building cost × 20
Category Civics
Sub-category Entertainment
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? No
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

The Speaker is an unlockable civics building under the "entertainment" sub-category. The building is essentially a small stand that can support only a single citizen at a time. Citizens speaking from the speaker will talk of current events, as well as helpful things that benefit the happiness and skills of any nearby listeners. Speakers can also indoctrinate listeners up to 15%.

As the speaker talks, other citizens will gather around him. To unlock this building, the first "Civics" unlockable must be unlocked with 50 knowledge points.

In-game description

"A public speaker informing your citizens about news and gossip. Speakers add fulfillment to some, but also education/indoctrination up to 15%."
