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Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 4 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 4 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 4 tiles)
Category Infrastructure
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 3
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Clerk Station:
  × 1 + 1
  × 1 + 1
  × 2 + 2
  × 2 + 2
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
Production Information
Output None

Administration is an unlockable infrastructure building that becomes available once a settlement has reached the "Chieftain" status. The building's purpose is to accumulate admin points, which are used to maintain and upgrade your settlement, and any other region you've conquered. Citizens working there will be tasked with writing important letters and decrees. Because of the constant writing that needs to be done in this building, paper is will constantly be used up there. There are three components to this building: the required clerk station, which allows employees to work there for every station, and the optional shelf and carpet, which both add aesthetic pleasure and efficiency to the building - which speeds up production.

Similar to any other employment building, the more employees working at the administration building, the faster points can be accumulated. The admin points can be spent when entering the world screen, where all the game's regions are shown. These points can be used to improve your starting settlement, as well as any other you've conquered and taken for yourself.

It is highly recommended making this building as large as possible, as more and more admin points will need to be gained and maintained as the need to manage administration programs increase.

Administrations can be upgraded with knowledge points to increase their performance.

Spending points

As of now, there are seven things to spend admin points on (eight on regions that are conquered): elevation, prosecution, exile, massacre, improving building types, taxing resources and exhausting them. This is all done through the world screen, these points can be spent to make upgrades and/or heavy alterations to the settlement, many of which heavily affect the races of a settlement's population - many of these choices can boost or diminish both the population and citizens' loyalty, depending on what is chosen. Each choice is separated by race. Points can drop in the negatives if more points are spent than what the player can manage.

The more things put into place by admin points, the more points will be further taxed over time. Meaning that points will need to be further and further managed the more points are spent, as they will constantly decrease to manage what the player is keeping in place.

If you conquer a region, there will be an additional factor you can spend admin points on, being the ability to garrison the settlement you just conquered. The more you garrison a settlement, the longer it will take enemies to besiege you, weakening them and grinding their strength down. You can only garrison a settlement that you've taken, not the one you started with.

Population and loyalty

Four things can be chosen for each: elevation, prosecution, exile and massacre.

  • Elevation - Some special treatment for a species increases growth and happiness. Boosts loyalty.
  • Prosecution - Prosecuting a species, severely diminishes growth and decreases happiness. Reduces loyalty and potentially increasing population.
  • Exile - Forbid this species from immigrating and sends off any citizens to neighboring regions where they are still welcome. Reduces loyalty. Reduces both population and loyalty.
  • Massacre - Commit genocide and instantly rid yourself of this species. Will cause an outrage, of course; make sure you have enough military presence to handle an eventual uprising. Greatly reduces both population and loyalty.

Note that due to the negative opinions races have of each other, you'll notice that spending admin points on any of the four aforementioned things will slightly affect other races. Selecting something for the Cretonians and Humans will have a scale-tipping effect on the other. The same goes for the relationship between the Garthimis and both Cretonians and Humans together. The only race that doesn't seem to have negative views from other races are the Cantors.


Admin points can also be spent on programs and improving conditions of many factors. Five things can be improved: infrastructure, sanitation, education, law and entertainment.

  • Infrastructure - Increasing this improves living condition for all and thus increases maximum population capacity of the region (0.10), as well as increasing production (0.05), loyalty (0.05), and population growth (0.10).
  • Sanitation - Increasing this lowers chances of epidemics through health (not yet implemented, 0.10), increases the region's capacity (0.10) and greatly increases population growth (0.14).
  • Education - Increasing this contributes to your knowledge points and makes subjects slightly more productive (0.02), while decreasing growth (0.05). Note: Knowledge generation in a region is based off of education, average intelligence of the regions population, and the number of people in the region as follows: (Region Population * Average Intelligence * 0.01 per level of Education)
  • Law - Increasing this increases loyalty (0.10), but decreases production (0.05) and population growth (0.05).
  • Entertainment - Increasing this improves loyalty (0.05), but decreases industry output (-0.05).


Admin points can be spent to tax resources, which increases their value, but in turn, slightly reduces loyalty of all races of your population. There is also an option to exhaust all resources, which gives a massive increase of them for roughly two years, but after they're exhausted, it will take four times the duration used to exhaust the resources for production of them to restart.

In-game description

"Where administration is produced, stored and maintained. Administration is used to upgrade your kingdom. Each work station can roughly produce 5 admin points. This can be further boosted by the skill of individual workers and other bonuses."
