Flat House

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Revision as of 18:15, 14 October 2021 by Zippy (talk | contribs)
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Still doesn't allow pets.
Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
Category Civics
Sub-category Service
Produces noise? No
Components 3
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Bed:
  × 4
  × 4
  × 4
  × 1 (per tile)
  × 2 (per tile)
  × 1 (per tile)
Production Information
Input None
Output None

A Flat house is an unlockable mid-tier civics building under the "service" sub-category, where citizens can own apartments, having a place to sleep. Much like the lower tier dormitory, this building provides a great deal of happiness for citizens, giving them a place to sleep so they don't have to sleep outside and/or on the ground. The building becomes available once a settlement reaches a population of 50. Unlike the dormitory, which is a public building with many beds, flat houses provide personal apartments. There are 3 components to this building: the required apartments, and the optional nicknacks and carpets. The last two components add to the "coziness" statistic, giving more happiness to citizens' sleeping quality.

Tenants must be hired at this building to maintain the rooms, which including making the beds. This one of three buildings where citizens are provided a bed for comfortable sleeping. The other two being the aforementioned dormitory and the higher tier chamber.

In-game description

"Where subjects sleep. Improves sleep quality."