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Revision as of 15:31, 29 August 2021 by Zippy (talk | contribs)
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Where the mops are kept.
Building Information
Building cost Wooden (walls):
  - 56
  - 16
Stone (walls):
  - 32
  - 42
Grand (walls):
  - 32
  - 16
  - 52
Category Infrastructure
Sub-category {{{subtype}}}
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? No
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

Janitor buildings are infrastructure constructs that house citizens working as janitors. Janitors work by maintaining the quality of buildings by repairing them and keeping them from degrading. The better the resources used to construct a building, the less it will have to be maintained, as it will degrade much slower, if it does so at all.

Selecting a janitor building will reveal the radial area in which janitors do their work. Janitors will sometimes need resources to do their work; these resources correlate to the materials making up the building they are maintaining. If they don't have the resource they need, their performance suffers greatly. The size of janitor buildings are always fixed at 7×7 tiles, and cannot be expanded. Because of the constant need for janitors to use resources to make repairs, it is advised to build them near warehouses.

Janitors are one of the buildings in the game that are an absolute necessary to construct, due to the fact that every type of building can degrade, therefore lowering how efficiently they operate. Even the janitor buildings themselves can degrade and need constant maintenance.

When hovering the mouse of a janitor building, employees of that building will be marked with a green outline, while tiles of buildings that are planned to be serviced by those employees will be marked with a red outline.

In-game description

"Does maintenance in their vicinity. Consumes construction resources to make sure those are not too far off."


  • The janitor building has a doorway, but doors cannot be built in them. This may be a developer oversight.



  • Re-added radius UI for janitors.


  • New Janitor room with maintenance now separated from construction. Only janitors can do maintenance. Janitors need construction materials in the vicinity, or they will become less effective.


  • Added radius to janitors.


  • Janitor CTD.