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Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 4 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 4 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 4 tiles)
Category Knowledge
Sub-category {{{subtype}}}
Produces noise? No
Components 3
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Scribe Station:
  × 8
  × 8
  × 16
  × 16
  × 1 + 1
  × 1 + 1
  × 10
  × 10
  × 1 (per tile)
Production Information
Input -0.10
Output None

A Library is a knowledge building where paper is used to accumulate knowledge points, which are then used to research upgrades to improve your settlement. Because of this, a library is a cornerstone element in bettering a settlement, as there are countless upgrades and unlockables that would be inaccessible otherwise. There are 3 components for this building: the required scribe station and the optional shelf and carpet. The last two components add efficiency to the building, speeding up the production and accumulation of knowledge points.

Libraries, as of now, are the one and only building in the knowledge category. The larger the library, the higher the capacity of knowledge points a settlement can have. The speed of the accumulation of points is also tied directly to the size of the library, as with any building, more scribes can be hired there. Scribes can work without paper, albeit at 25% speed.

Knowledge points can also be used to upgrade the knowledge production of libraries, meaning that knowledge points can be spent to improve how points are gained in the long run.

In-game description

"In a library, scribes write and copy tomes of knowledge. Tomes allow you to activate technologies that significantly benefit your city. The library's size and the furnishing determines its maximum amount of knowledge capacity. The speed at which knowledge is gained can be increased by bonuses and technologies. A library starts empty, and scribes will gradually fill it with books and scrolls. The more of this knowledge a library holds, the more effort scribes will have to put into copying and maintaining existing tomes. Each scribe can roughly make 100 knowledge without boosts. Scribes need paper to work, but can manage without at 25% capacity.