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How inspiring.
Building Information
Building cost Statue:
  × 2 (per tile)
  × 4 (per tile)
  × 2 (per tile)
Category Infrastructure
Sub-category None
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input None
Output None

Decorations (previously known in-game as monuments) are infrastructure buildings that come in two forms: statues, trees and pillars. Statues and pillars provide "awe" for citizens who come near, while trees provide "harmony". Each of the structures can come in sizes of 1×1, 2×2 and 3×3. The bigger the monument, the bigger the radius that can affect citizens.

It is recommended to have as many decorations as possible, to constantly keep the happiness of citizens as high as possible.

In-game description

"Spreads awe or other impressions in your settlement."
