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What do you call a baby who wears armor?
Resource Information
Cost High
Extra Information
Used for building? No
Spoil rate {{{spoil}}}

Battlegear is an equippable resource in Songs of Syx. It is made by processing metal and coal in an unlockable weapon smithy. It can also be acquired through trading, though the price is high. Any citizen wearing battlegear will have an increase in damage done and defense when in combat.

Due to coal and metal not being renewable, constantly producing battlegear can be a challenge. The amount of battlegear allowed per citizen can be customized by the player. When training soldiers, the player can choose how much units of battlegear are allowed for each division. Battlegear is one of four resources that can be sent to campaigning armies on the world map through an army supply depot.


In-game description

"Used to equip soldiers for battle. Increases their deadliness and defense capabilities."