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An egg's dealer sure cracks him up!
Resource Information
Cost High
Extra Information
Used for building? No
Spoil rate {{{spoil}}}

Eggs are one of nine food resources. Eggs have the longest shelf life out of any other food in the game. In other words, they spoil the slowest. There are two methods of obtaining eggs: having them laid by animals in a pasture, and through trading. Of the seven animals in the game, the Dinoris and Globdien provide eggs when hunted. Both animals can be found wandering the world, though Globdiens can be bred and managed in a globdien pasture. Dinoris do not have a respective pasture in the game.

Like all animals, they can be hunted by citizens that are designated hunters, then have their eggs (as well as their meat) harvested.

Cretonians and Cantors highly favor eggs; the former due to them being vegetarians.

In-game description

"Eggs are highly nutritious sustenance produced by some animals with a long shelf life."