Opiate Farm

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Revision as of 14:27, 11 September 2022 by Scribonius (talk | contribs) (Updated page with current info and added climate info)
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Opiate Farm
Where shirts are born.
Building Information
Building cost × 10
Category Agriculture
Sub-category Farms
Produces noise? No
Components 0
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements None
Production Information
Input TBA
Output TBA

Opiate Farms are agriculture constructs under the "farms" sub-category. They produce opiates from opiates seeds. Opiate seeds can be harvested from wild opiates or by importing them from abroad.

Opiate farms will suffer penalties for being grown in non-warm climates. In temperate climates they suffer a -60% production malus, while in cold climates the malus is a crippling -90%.

Opiates have limited use, with them only being necessary for hospitals to function (which can be quite important during outbreaks). They can also be traded for decent amounts of money.

In-game description

"Grows opiates."