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You shall build a city out of two main resources, '''<u>wood</u>''' and '''<u>stone</u>'''. These two resources shall be the bread and butter of your city which will be necessary from everything from your very first shelters to blocks of housing, manufactories, paved roads and much more. Beyond these, there are also master crafted stone works that would lead to '''<u>Grand</u>''' stone structures the bricks of which are made by your masons.
You shall build a city out of two main resources, [[wood]] and [[stone]]. These two resources shall be the bread and butter of your city which will be necessary from everything from your very first shelters to blocks of housing, manufactories, paved roads and much more. Beyond these, there are also master crafted stone works that would lead to '''<u>Grand</u>''' stone structures the bricks of which are made by your masons.
You will not only be building housing, workshops, and roads, but also establishing mines, marketplaces, hunting lodges, barracks and much more. Below is a complete list of all that which you will be able to build as you build your kingdom.
=== <u>[[Farms]]</u> ===
The dedication of arable land, that is to say land where crops can be grown, leads to the development of farms. From farms seeds can grow and labourers can reap the rewards of their toil. Fisheries are included due to their relationship with fish farms.
=== <u>[[Pastures]]</u> ===
Pastures are pens that can be constructed and filled with domesticated livestock. There are four domesticated types of livestock that can be reared in these pens. Livestock can be secured by active hunting of wild animals, whereby hunters attempt to capture wildlife or imported from abroad.
==== Auroch Pasture ====
Breeds Auruch that will produce meat and plentiful pelts.
==== Entelodont Pasture ====
Breeds Entelodonts that will produce meat.
==== Globdein Pasture ====
Breeds Globiens that will produce meat and eggs.
==== Onx Pasture ====
Breeds Onx that will produce meat and cotton.
=== <u>[[Primary Resource Producers (Lumbering and Mines)]]</u> ===
These mines and the woodcutter can be created wherever there are deposits of the resource that is intended to be harvested. Mines can only be created where there are deep deposits of resources. Deep deposits are noticeable by the particular colouring of the land where the deposits are found. The efficiency of the mines increases according to the density of the minerals and the amount of auxiliary structures created.
==== Coal Mine ====
Coal mines extract coal from coal deposits.
==== Clay Pits ====
Claypits function just like mines. They extract clay from clay deposits.
==== Gem Mine ====
Gem mines extract gems from gem deposits.
==== Ore Mine ====
Ore mines extract ore from ore deposits.
==== Sithilon Mine ====
Sithilon mines extract sithilon from sithilon deposits.
==== Stone Mine ====
Stone mines extract stone from stone deposits.
Stone mines cannot be created on surface stone deposits but only on deep stone deposits.
Surface deposits can simply be harvested manually.
==== Woodcutter ====
Woodcutters cut down trees to harvest wood. Trees will be replanted and regrow over time.
Woodcutting zones can be created whether the woodland is sparse or well-populated.
=== <u>[[Secondary Resource Producers (Workshops)]]</u> ===
==== Brewery ====
The brewery uses pottery and coal in order to refine fruit or grain into Drink.
==== Carpenter ====
The Carpentry carves furniture out of wood.
==== Coaler ====
The coaler burns wood to turn it into coal.
==== Jeweller ====
The jeweller works gems with the assistance of to forge jewellery. Their work is very slow and takes up many gems and coal.
==== Masonry ====
The mason refines stone into cut stone.
==== Papermill ====
The labourers in the papermill turns wood into paper.
==== Potter ====
The potter works clay into pottery.
==== Smelter ====
The smelter uses coal to refine ore into metal.
==== Weaver ====
The weaver uses cotton to produce fabrics.
=== <u>[[Tertiary Resource Producers (Workshops)]]</u> ===
==== Tailor ====
The tailor turns fabric into clothes.
==== Tool Smith ====
The tool smith forges tools from coal and metal.
==== Weapon Smith ====
The weapon smith forges weapons from coal and metal.
=== <u>[[Civic Structures (Law and Order)]]</u> ===
==== Court ====
The Courts gives prisoners a chance to plead their case in a trial before sentencing. Improves Justice and has a chance to free the prisoner after processing.
==== Execution (Scafolds) ====
Where caught, criminals and other prisoners may be taken for public execution. Execution squares are great for deterring crime and spread fear amongst your subjects. Consider placing it at a central location for maximum efficiency as well as keeping it maintained and manned.
==== Guard Post ====
Guards are employed at guard posts. They deter crime and rush to any committed in its vicinity to have your justice be done to the perpetrators. Guards will also occasionally go out on patrol to further discouraging mischief.
==== Slaver ====
Where caught criminals and other prisoners may be taken for temperament of their new career - slaves.
==== Prison ====
Where caught criminals and other prisoners may be taken taken for 'storage'. After a few years time spend they come back out as useful subjects again. The jailers will bring the prisoners food and clean their latrines. Prisons need to be  well manned and maintained lest it be seen as a place of cruelty. Occasionally a prisoner might also escape.
=== <u>[[Civic Structures (Logistics, Construction and Maintenance)]]</u> ===
==== Builder (Outpost) ====
A builder outpost is a marker you put down where you can employ builders. Builders perform jobs such as construction, clearing or tunnelling. They prioritise the jobs closest to the outpost, or jobs that are prioritised.
==== Hauler ====
The haulers outpost is a marker that can be placed on unobstructed land. It employs haulers. Once you've selected a resource for it to fetch, the haulers will start hauling the resource to the location.
The station can store up to 96 resources. There is also the ability to enable the fetch command, in which case the haulers will fetch resources from warehouses that do not have the fetch enabled on the particular resource.
==== Stockpile (Warehouses) ====
Warehouses are used to store goods. They significantly decrease the spoil rate especially of food and let you keep track of storage amount.
Warehouses store goods according to the amount of crates that are designated per good. They be manned by deliverymen. Deliverymen can carry much more goods than any other worker. Orders can be issued to them to fetch or to store goods.
With the fetch command your deliverymen will transfer goods from other stockpiles that are not fetching or storing the same good. Storing goods prevents withdrawal, though they can still disappear if taken by thieves or starving subjects.
It is important that storage facilities are placed near enough to production places, whatever they may be, because this would reduce the need for your people to run around with your goods, only to have to run back to take them where they are needed.
It is important that food is also stored in warehouses as soon as possible, lest the food rots on the ground in the fields.
==== Janitor  ====
The janitor room is a small room from where janitors can be employed who are charged to conduct maintenance. The area which they work can be shown on hover. Sometimes they need construction materials and if these are not available, performance will suffer greatly.
=== <u>[[Health Care Structures]]</u> ===
==== Baths ====
==== Hearth ====
==== Lavatory ====
==== Well ====
=== '''<u>[[Commercial Structures]]</u>''' ===
==== Export Marketplace ====
==== Import Marketplace ====
=== <u>[[Housing Structures]]</u> ===
==== Chamber ====
==== Dormitory ====
==== Flat House ====
=== <u>[[Research Structures]]</u> ===
==== Library ====
=== <u>[[Military Structures]]</u> ===
==== Barracks ====
==== Walls ====
===<u>[[Burial Structures]]</u>===
==== Cannibalism ====
==== Dump ====
==== Graveyard ====
==== Tomb ====
=== <u>[[Entertainment and Leisure]]</u> ===
==== Canteen ====
==== Eatery ====
==== Tavern ====
==== Door ====
==== Monument ====
==== Throne ====
==== Torch ====
[[Category:Gameplay elements]]

Latest revision as of 13:00, 15 May 2021

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You shall build a city out of two main resources, wood and stone. These two resources shall be the bread and butter of your city which will be necessary from everything from your very first shelters to blocks of housing, manufactories, paved roads and much more. Beyond these, there are also master crafted stone works that would lead to Grand stone structures the bricks of which are made by your masons.

You will not only be building housing, workshops, and roads, but also establishing mines, marketplaces, hunting lodges, barracks and much more. Below is a complete list of all that which you will be able to build as you build your kingdom.


The dedication of arable land, that is to say land where crops can be grown, leads to the development of farms. From farms seeds can grow and labourers can reap the rewards of their toil. Fisheries are included due to their relationship with fish farms.


Pastures are pens that can be constructed and filled with domesticated livestock. There are four domesticated types of livestock that can be reared in these pens. Livestock can be secured by active hunting of wild animals, whereby hunters attempt to capture wildlife or imported from abroad.

Auroch Pasture

Breeds Auruch that will produce meat and plentiful pelts.

Entelodont Pasture

Breeds Entelodonts that will produce meat.

Globdein Pasture

Breeds Globiens that will produce meat and eggs.

Onx Pasture

Breeds Onx that will produce meat and cotton.

Primary Resource Producers (Lumbering and Mines)

These mines and the woodcutter can be created wherever there are deposits of the resource that is intended to be harvested. Mines can only be created where there are deep deposits of resources. Deep deposits are noticeable by the particular colouring of the land where the deposits are found. The efficiency of the mines increases according to the density of the minerals and the amount of auxiliary structures created.

Coal Mine

Coal mines extract coal from coal deposits.

Clay Pits

Claypits function just like mines. They extract clay from clay deposits.

Gem Mine

Gem mines extract gems from gem deposits.

Ore Mine

Ore mines extract ore from ore deposits.

Sithilon Mine

Sithilon mines extract sithilon from sithilon deposits.

Stone Mine

Stone mines extract stone from stone deposits.

Stone mines cannot be created on surface stone deposits but only on deep stone deposits.

Surface deposits can simply be harvested manually.


Woodcutters cut down trees to harvest wood. Trees will be replanted and regrow over time.

Woodcutting zones can be created whether the woodland is sparse or well-populated.

Secondary Resource Producers (Workshops)


The brewery uses pottery and coal in order to refine fruit or grain into Drink.


The Carpentry carves furniture out of wood.


The coaler burns wood to turn it into coal.


The jeweller works gems with the assistance of to forge jewellery. Their work is very slow and takes up many gems and coal.


The mason refines stone into cut stone.


The labourers in the papermill turns wood into paper.


The potter works clay into pottery.


The smelter uses coal to refine ore into metal.


The weaver uses cotton to produce fabrics.

Tertiary Resource Producers (Workshops)


The tailor turns fabric into clothes.

Tool Smith

The tool smith forges tools from coal and metal.

Weapon Smith

The weapon smith forges weapons from coal and metal.

Civic Structures (Law and Order)


The Courts gives prisoners a chance to plead their case in a trial before sentencing. Improves Justice and has a chance to free the prisoner after processing.

Execution (Scafolds)

Where caught, criminals and other prisoners may be taken for public execution. Execution squares are great for deterring crime and spread fear amongst your subjects. Consider placing it at a central location for maximum efficiency as well as keeping it maintained and manned.

Guard Post

Guards are employed at guard posts. They deter crime and rush to any committed in its vicinity to have your justice be done to the perpetrators. Guards will also occasionally go out on patrol to further discouraging mischief.


Where caught criminals and other prisoners may be taken for temperament of their new career - slaves.


Where caught criminals and other prisoners may be taken taken for 'storage'. After a few years time spend they come back out as useful subjects again. The jailers will bring the prisoners food and clean their latrines. Prisons need to be well manned and maintained lest it be seen as a place of cruelty. Occasionally a prisoner might also escape.

Civic Structures (Logistics, Construction and Maintenance)

Builder (Outpost)

A builder outpost is a marker you put down where you can employ builders. Builders perform jobs such as construction, clearing or tunnelling. They prioritise the jobs closest to the outpost, or jobs that are prioritised.


The haulers outpost is a marker that can be placed on unobstructed land. It employs haulers. Once you've selected a resource for it to fetch, the haulers will start hauling the resource to the location.

The station can store up to 96 resources. There is also the ability to enable the fetch command, in which case the haulers will fetch resources from warehouses that do not have the fetch enabled on the particular resource.

Stockpile (Warehouses)

Warehouses are used to store goods. They significantly decrease the spoil rate especially of food and let you keep track of storage amount.

Warehouses store goods according to the amount of crates that are designated per good. They be manned by deliverymen. Deliverymen can carry much more goods than any other worker. Orders can be issued to them to fetch or to store goods.

With the fetch command your deliverymen will transfer goods from other stockpiles that are not fetching or storing the same good. Storing goods prevents withdrawal, though they can still disappear if taken by thieves or starving subjects.

It is important that storage facilities are placed near enough to production places, whatever they may be, because this would reduce the need for your people to run around with your goods, only to have to run back to take them where they are needed.

It is important that food is also stored in warehouses as soon as possible, lest the food rots on the ground in the fields.


The janitor room is a small room from where janitors can be employed who are charged to conduct maintenance. The area which they work can be shown on hover. Sometimes they need construction materials and if these are not available, performance will suffer greatly.

Health Care Structures





Commercial Structures

Export Marketplace

Import Marketplace

Housing Structures



Flat House

Research Structures


Military Structures



Burial Structures





Entertainment and Leisure







