
Havens are small independent settlements of rare and elusive species that are difficult to find through other means. They are found throughout the world and belong to the region in which they are found. Once you control the region in which a haven is located they can be convinced to join your cause if certain requirements are met in your city. These requirements will differ between havens, with each species having different desires to be satisfied. Bigger havens have harsher requirements, and having havens will make getting further havens more difficult.
Species and Requirements
Currently there are 2 species that reside in havens, the Cantor and the Argonosh. All species require you to have at least 1000 population, at least 31% faith satisfaction in your city, 36% of your population following their religion, and no slaves of their species before the first haven will join you.
The Cantor live in secluded stone structures. They also require that your city has at least 51% law and 31% awe access. Their religion is Athurism.
The Argonosh live in cave-like nests. They also require that your city has at least 36% food days storage satisfaction, 21% food rations satisfaction (which requires distributing additional daily food to some of your citizens), and 16% dread access. Their religion is Shmalorism.