Training Ground

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Revision as of 19:13, 1 August 2021 by Zippy (talk | contribs)
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Training Ground
Where strength is born!
Building Information
Building cost Wood:
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 1
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
  × 2
  + 1 (every 5 tiles)
Category Military
Sub-category {{{subtype}}}
Produces noise? Yes
Components 1
Expandable? Yes
Component Requirements Training Dummies:
  × 1 to 7
  × 1 to 2
Production Information
Input None
Output None

A Training Ground is a military building where - as the name would imply - citizens train becoming combat capable soldiers. There is only one required component to the building, being the training dummies. Training can be customized in the conscription GUI, which is found in the upper-left area of the screen. Here, training citizens can be placed into divisions, with each being a specific race, a set number of soldiers in each division, having a specified level of training and the amount of battlegear they equip themselves.