Version history
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This page lists the version history of Songs of Syx. To see the version history via posts on Steam, see this page.
Note: Though this page is mainly for official versions, it MAY include beta versions, but not all of them.
- Fixed archers not training to their max setting
- Fixed broken invasions never ending.
- Trade bug
- Fixed canteen coal usage.
- Some modding CTD
- An audio device picker in the launcher settings. Game should now run without any devices as well.
- Fixed children creating traffic blobs.
- Fixed supplies moving along with divisions in world armies.
- Fixed archers from not using 2nd quiver.
- Fixed service UI bar
- Fixed AI armies from instant respawn
- Set broken and copied rooms to remember auto employment.
- Fixed some job placement issues.
- Definitely found the true bug causing people to get stuck in "confused".
- Fixed road on road issue
- Fixed dismantle structure.
- Fixed poor yield from clearing jobs.
- Fixed dismantle structure job.
- Fixed some Job placability issues
- Fixed morale issues in generated battles
- Worked on troop movement and responsiveness, hope it's better.
- Hopefully fixed stuck people.
- Added some localisations
- Fixed disappearing resources upon refurnish
- Fixed returning soldiers training
- Fixed undo when clearing a room blueprint
- Fixed a memory lead when loading games.
- Changed fish overlay.
- Fixed mustering equipment fetching.
- Added workload to overlays.
- Fixed the saving issue I introduced last night.
- Removed the division queue movement system.
- Fixed army supplies
- Fixed formation movement.
- Tweaked army movement a bit.
- Fixed ranged training for regional divisions
- Fixed lights from not removing when refurnishing
- Fixed army supplies from being over-consumed.
- Added room filter to minimap
- Fixed weird sorts for subject list and minimap.
- Bugfixes
- Updated translations
- Fixed a bug where soldiers with experience wouldn't train.
- Removed some unnecessary sorts for subject list and minimap.
- Made some changed to world heatmaps
- Stopped rain from being visible indoors.
- Changed back immigration to happen only > 100% happiness.
- Small optimisations
- Crash fixes
- Added right click to environment map, and renamed it.
- Some UI fixes
- Made immigration harder, like it was in V60
- Added heatmaps to the world UI.
- Added a caravan list to th world UI.
- Made mountain tunnelling speed be proportioned to mining bonus for species.
- Saved rooms can now be deleted despite being locked.
- Some minimap fixes
- Made it possible to build over fortifications.
- Made some changes to the Japanese font.
- Fixed people getting stuck when chasing others
- Made some major optimisations, should yield 20-50% more performance.
- Fixes some issues with sending out armies
- Fixed archers from not training melee.
- Fixed room placement max and min width when placing rooms
- Removed livestock resource from slaughtering pastures
- Made prisoners visible in the list
- Fixed banners from randomising when generating battle.
- Fixed equipment when generating battles.
- Fixed crashing bombardments
- Improved pathing performance a bit.
- Fixed some pathing bugs
- Fixed bombardment of deep waters
- Fixed number formatting issues
- Added campaigning soldiers to immigration calculations.
- Fixed workload of transports
- Fixed stuck caravans on edge of maps
- Fixed a bug in the room placer.
- Fixed building stairs on fortifications
- Improved placement of large rooms
- Stopped room construction from adding noise
- Decreased coal usage for canteens by 75% until I can come up with a more elegant solution.
- Work priorities now perfected to perfection and hopefully bug free this time.
- Fixed statues directions
- Fixes some clumping with soldiers
- Made exhaustion a thing. Exhausted soldiers will take more damage from blunt attacks.
- Made a tweak in the pathfinder to find things better, and according to radius.
- Fixed employment issues and CTD setting priorities. Sorry for breaking the game last night!
- Fixed spinning divisions in battle deployment
- Fixed trapped people in deep water swimming into shore.
- Fixed screen issues with bordered window
- Fixed rendering issue on big resolutions.
- Reduced loyalty bonus from armies in regions
- Adjusted university auxiliary items
- Fixed visuals of trade UI
- Made cut off people do jobs
- Prisoners that can't reach a prison will now be removed
- Fixed instant routing which was due to morale not resetting between invasions.
- Fixes to species priorities, should work perfect now when allocated.
- Made processed goods a quite a bit cheaper. Will only affect new games, although prices will adjust slowly in current saves.
- Finally found the problem where subjects try to man defences after a battle.
- Removed soldier need for slaves
- Stopped enemy troops from breaking formation and try to fetch the playe's gear.
- Fixed attacking enemy catapults
- Fixed slaughter all pastures
- Changed Cantor stats again.
- Crash fixes
- Raised garthimi pasture skull to 1.0. Plan was to have them as raiding only species, but doesn't quite work yet.
- Stopped catapult citizens from starving.
- Invasion in the north fix.
- Removed walkable deep water. Added enemies will dig out deep water instead.
- Randomizing of world armies improved.
- Fixed new recruits training
- Better movement for divisions in city terrain.
- Fixed all crashes reported through the UI. Not able to check steam/discord today for other bugs. Will do so tomorrow, monday.
- Memory leak fix.
- Fixed temple Altar items
- Prevented fisheries from being built on deep water.
- Fixed mercenary prices.
- Clarified that some industry recipes are locked.
- Crash fixes
- Stopped archery ranges from being destroyed by their own arrows.
- Made immigrants prefer non-water to spawn at.
- Made enemy army composition a bit better for new games.
- Fixed work priority settings.
- Fixed some bugs from previous hotfix :)
- Fixed broken training. Sadly, weirdness persists, or I'll have to break saves. Your people training in archery will still claim barracks spots.
- Fixed a bug where people wouldn't take employment.
- Changed the tech tree visually a bit.
- Fixed unremovable stairs
- Fixed oddjobber from not helping carrying stuff.
- Fixed world garrison unit cards.
- Gravediggers now stand back during an invasion to avoid being killed.
- Gathimi death age raised to 40.
- Fixed human bad at farming
- Fixed Tilapis lack of bonuses.
- Added tools to woodcutter and pastures.
- Fixed subject list not showing anyone.
- Fixed artillery tooltip
- Fixed menu credits background
- Fixed radius visualization
- Fixed garrison from being vanished after sally out battle
- Fixed inability to reposition troops in deployment phase.
- Fixing stubborn crash with immigration again.
- Other crashes
- Fixed sally out from capitol
- Fixed the strange and elusive "start with all rooms unlocked" bug
- Fixed crash when immigrating
- Fixed a rendering issue.
- Added some translation files
- Fixed some CTDs
- Fixed an issue where people wouldn't use services.
- New pathfinder mechanics. Twice as fast as the old one. Allows for better performance, better subject pathing, and no more fuss about the throne not being connected. Tested on a 28k settlement, gives a solid x3 speed at laptop cpu. Next patch I'll try to speed it up with threading to maybe get x5-x6 speed at *similar population, Theoretical pop cap at over 100k!
- Division pathing and formation improved. Now able to walk in narrow mazes better, and no more enemies darting for the throne. Performance also greatly increased. *This is done in a different thread and has no effect of the settlement.
- Cantor + Dondorians don't care about immigration.
- 2 new soundtracks
- Fixed a bug with raids, when difficulty would increase even if you lose.
- Changed raid ransom amount to be in line with your population.
- Fixed resources from vanishing when refurnishing.
- Battlegear broken up into weapons and armour. The smithy can produce both. ***The tailor can produce armour out of pelts.
- Species properties now changed. All properties joined with general bonuses. Technologies can therefore change species properties.
- Tech tree revamped with some helpful tools.
- Bonus page revamped.
- Subject detail UI revamped.
- Work proficiency removed.
- Education is now gained at the rate of subject's "Learning rate". Indoctrination is x5 faster. Education boosts increased. Knowledge gained is flatly based on education * 40.
- Fixed room degrade tooltip
- Fixed average workload meter for rooms.
- Bows added as resource & a bowyer workshop
- Arrow quiveres added + a fletcher workshop + new mechanics for equipping soldiers with ranged weapons.
- Archery range added
- Added a banner editor and banner to divisions
- Division UI overhaul
- Made army supplies modifiable.
- Battles make men gain experience.
- Health and morale added to world armies, based on supplies. Low health leads to desertion. Low morale to worse battle performance.
- Supplies now affect morale and health.
- Auto resolve mechanics refined.
- Changed up properties of species a bit.
- New fonts and new font system. UI adjusted to fit with new font.
- Easy-font option in settings.
- Moddable text colors.
- Gatehouses
- Troops on walls. Staircase to access them.
- Doors are now removed.
- New invasion mechanics and a whole new AI for the enemy army, alias Ct. Bob.
Modding (exact version unknown)
- All "BONUS" clauses changed. There is a lot more to choose from. It's all listed in _BOOSTABLE.txt in the technology folder.
- "Properties" clause now scrapped in species files. Instead you now define these things entirely in the BONUS clause.
- Equippables is moved to the resource folder. An equippable can now be defined as work/battle only. I suggest someone mods in pipes and tobacco as equippables for a fulfillment boost.
- Many rooms have metal scrapped from auxilaries and instead rely heavily on tools for production boost.
- Prohibited harvest jobs from getting placed on room
- Expensive rooms fix
- Some crashes related to room furnishing
- A lil' bugfix
- Bugfixes
- Right click in launcher to exit
- Bugfixes
- Fixes some wonky tile sprites.
- Added tooltip for libraries that paper isn't required.
- Fixed reassigning army supplies
- Fixed Transport issues.
- Added colors to room expensiveness.
- Fixed tackled deaths.
- Bug fixes
- Adjusted raid spawning a bit.
- Fixed instant selling going into negatives.
- Removed unusable services for slaves in the UI.
- Fixed dirtiness on portraits.
- 1 new soundtrack.
- Attempting a new pathfinding tweak that should help with services and maintenance radius.
- New convert tool for structures
- Bugfixes
- Increased wetnurse efficiency
- Fixed inactive mass graves
- Fixed rebel win count
- Fixed mysterious prosecution.
- Bugfixes
- Entertainment services load fix
- Some more fixes with room placement
- Fixed steam achievements
- Improved room furnishing inconsistencies
- Fixed broken language selector
- No more immigration if prosecuting
- Fixed broken title unlocking
- Fixed some arena issues.
- Fixed maintenance getting wrong resources
- Fixed visuals of titles
- Added some plus signs to overlays
- Tweaked raids a bit.
- Updated some underlying libraries to later versions.
- Transports had to be reduced to 255 as max load, but halved prepping work and livestock usage.
- Some UI issues.
- Fixed maintenance resource again.
- Fixed a few issue with region loyalty
- Fixed education for speakers
- Adjusted raider equipment and training
- Fixed some prisoner issues
- Spelling
- Hopefully fixed ghost invasions. (Not all invaders were able to spawn, now they should spawn, so be ready).
- Bugfixes
- Decreases raiding chance a bit, made it less affected by riches.
- Raids equipment fixed.
- Fixed stored fulfilment stats.
- Some UI fixes
- Fixed unworked jobs again, again.
- Bugfixes
- Added 'Cretonia' to example cities
- Stopped resources from spawning when refurnishing rooms.
- Fixed janitors from not using any resources
- Fixed court spectator bug
- Fixed rubbish from not disappearing.
- Fixed wrongful death stat
- Fixed workshops not actually using materials.
- Fixed skinnydipping when warm.
- Fixed an arena CTD
- Fixed one of the hauler items.
- Improved warehouse workers.
- Some typos fixed.
- Fixed broken importing
- Fixed Hearth access
- Fixed barricade sprite
- Fixed unworked jobs again.
- CTD when opening species preferences
- CTD when performing some jobs
- Decreased temperature sensitivity for species
- Fixed slider +/- clicking
- Possibly fixing unworked jobs
- New building expensiveness approach
- Added some education gain from speakers.
- Fixed the clear all tool
- Fixed the harvest tool.
- Fixed quicksaving from removing all saves containing 'quicksave'
- Increased initial happiness a tiny bit.
- Increased radius of services
- Fixed canteens once more.
- Bugfixes and typos
- Stopped people from getting exhausted due to increased walk speed.
- Fixed broken canteens
- Tweaked the pillar system
- Stopped people from eating other stuff than food.
- Some crash fixes.
- Made trade and immigration stop when besieged.
- Stopped raids from happening too soon when starting new game.
- Fixed a CTD when building stuff.
- Some spelling errors.
- Religion
- Entertainment
0.59.1 - 0.59.26
- REGION POPULATION BUG FIXED. CAN LEAD TO A STEEP DROP IN REGIONAL PRODUCTION/KNOWLEDGE. I'll keep the previous version in steam beta EA59, in case you want to continue the save as it is, then update for your next game.
- Fixed region population issues. Hopefully population will stabilise for those with huge populations. If problems occur, save and reload should fix them.
- Fixed conscripts not saving
- Fixed CTD from battles at the edge of the map.
- Hopefully this is the last hotfix for version 59.
- Fixed some translation problems.
- Fixed some CTD when selecting mods.
- Fixed French language.
- Fixed crash when switching back to English.
- Fixed broken mod selection.
- Fixed emptying crates resources missing
- Fixed bug with nobles.
- Fixed so that patchnotes doesn't pop up every time.
- Fixed some broken settings.
- Fixed nasty bugs where caravans would deliver double, and reserve space in the warehouse
- Increased performance by 25-50%.
- Added multi language. Translations are gotten from crowin and inserted into the game.
- Made it so the game unpacks resources after a patch by itself. Will take some time, but put an end to steam interfering.
- Some minor fixes here and there.
- Added hard numbers to trade sliders.
- Fixed weird storage sprites.
- Fixed Janitor resource bugs. Not completely, since it will break saves, but much better.
- Changed the production rate tooltip.
- Rebalanced raids to occur more frequently in beginning, and more rare as you build up your garrison.
- Some university crashes. Should not happen again, let me know it it does please.
- Increased trade distance
- Stopped children starving with limit.
- Changed mining sound
- Fixed incomplete species info.
- Tree monuments can be walked under (moddable)
- Water table returns when removing jobs
- Tooltips adjustments for subject bars
- Auto immigration fix
- Fiddled with top menu
- Generating only available animals.
- V59 is now on the default steam branch. It is not save-game compatible. Steam users that wants to continue playing their saves must check out V58 manually from the steam client.
- Fixed some training shenanigans.
- Rebalanced happiness and immigration.
- Students now maintain their division.
- Added some custom map types from Victor Baker.
- Fixed blocked tiles that aren't supposed to be blocked
- Fixed trade running amok with increased production mods.
- Fixed the broken resource hack from 59.13
- Fixed wrong numbers of raids
- Isolated riots geographically
- Decreased rioter chance of breaking something. Improved their behavior a bit.
- Smoother diagonal pathing.
- Added a fix for broken resources < V59.12. Enable dev mode, be in the city view, click the cog upper-left. Type in "unreserve everything". Click it. This will cause a lot of confusion and the game will pause a lot. But save the game, and run it without developer mode again, should now work. If any piles aren't being picked up after this, please report it to me.
- Fixed broken warehouses. Industries not being fetched from might have to be refurnished.
- Problem is resources being reserved by warehouse workers, and never picked up or unreserved. - Sorry!
- Fixed escaped convicts
- Fixed first immigration for other species.
- Fixed import slider visuals in the mini resources UI
- Fixed Import depots from not filling up.
- Attempted to make warehouse workers cycle through good that they fetch
- Made all logistics workers reserve more stuff when they are walking to a resource.
- Fixed broken multicarry.
- Increased efficiency of haulers
- All logistics bugs should be fixed. Broken rooms need to be reset through a refurnish/change resource
- Fixed the tutorial
- Fixed achievements
- Janitor hauling too much fix.
- Made children run indoors when exposed and recuperate.
- Allowed children graveyard access
- Removed Auto employ from nurseries.
- Children give less meat :)
- Cannibalism stat fixed.
- Immigration and happiness adjusted.
- Fixed slave submission from not updating.
- Fixed copied doors from becoming solid walls.
- Possibly fixed auto saving crashes.
- Stopped all slaves from being sold.
- Fixed fulfillment hover tooltip.
- If anyone is having problems with the tutorial, opt out of the V59 beta, let steam update stuff, then opt in again.
- Fixed transports from breaking down.
- A few crash fixes
- Fixed constructing rooms from resetting when reconstructing them
- Wooden door copy FPS fix.
- Increased livestock spawning of hunters
- Education limits now saved
- Stopped room blueprint copier from filling in mountains.
- Added immigration tooltip, so you know what's up.
- Fixed used universities. To fix broken saves: deactivate all universities. Wait a few minutes. Save and load.
- Fixed hauler rotations.
- Some spelling errors fixed.
- Improved the seed thing on world generation.
- Saved room blueprints fixed. Sorry, had to remove all of your saved ones :(
- Fixed 3d speed button
- Previous consumption rate fix
- Refiners stop working fix.
- Added vegetables to the tutorial
- Removed child collisions
- Fixed immigration again
- Show what the region can do when picking world city.
- Reduced paper and food usage for children
- Absolute resource amount on import/export sliders
- Developer is still alive
- Fixed a bunch of reported crashes
- Fixed room placement UI in corners of map
- Fixed java issues
- Auto Immigrant fix
- Export level fixed. Green = export more
- Fixed edible jobs on zoomout
- Fixed previous production year UI
- Education bonus fixed
- Fixed blueprint names saving
- Fixed export meter thing
- Another CTD when looking at room lists.
- Fixed a crash related to caravans
- Crash fixes
- Fixed broken species init files
- Initial immigration problems fix
- Fixed education stat so that education for children is correctly displayed.
- Fixed dig into mountain crash. (You might want to restart if you want stone from the mountains).
- Admitting 0 immigrants CTD fix.
- Fixed stuck soldiers chasing enemies.
- Patch notes will automatically be shown when something new has been added to the game!
- Rebalance happiness in general. Should now be more stable, and immigration shouldn't ruin it.
- Rebalance a few technologies.
- Added more flavour to all species.
- Tech tree now allows unlocking multiple techs at once.
- Slave uprisings. Slaves no longer runs away. If they are unhappy enough they will rebel.
- Slaves can now be sold to the slaver
- Riots. When loyalty is low for subjects there is a chance for a riot. Can be put down with guards and soldiers.
- Law remade. Much easier at first and climbs with your population. Happiness is no longer such a big factor.
- Burials now count differently. If no deaths take place, value will be based on available grave spots.
- Production rate remake for all rooms. Adds intelligence as a possible factor and a lot of tweaks for better balance.
- Fixed correct training for your city divisions on the world map.
- Fixed library/admin paper bug, and made gaining tech/admin faster, while decaying at a lower speed.
- Warning icon on harvestable food when not ripe added.
- University room for education of adults
- New smart remove tool.
- Reconstructing rooms with different structure now works.
- Workflow of room construction made better. Now refurnish without prompt & builds over other jobs.
- When hovering a job/ something buildable, you'll be prompted to build jobs of the same type by hitting a hotkey.
- New translation opportunities through crowdin. The idea is that the game will ship with these translations automatically, no need for mods.
- New species, the Tilapi. Thrives in forests, and likes to eat people. Hates basically everyone. Good fighters and herders.
- New portraits for all species. Thanks to Bendi!
- Storage and logistics wiki entry
- Immigration can now be set to a absolute number.
- Launcher screen selection is now a bit clearer and simpler.
- Education added. Education + intelligence = production boosts and knowledge. Will decrease loyalty a bit.
- Indoctrination as an option to education. Indoctrination only adds to submission regardless of education.
- School added. Can only be used by children. Will rapidly educate them.
- Changed so that wild growables spawn based on yield rate, and decreased regeneration of all of them.
- Added a multitude of hotkeys and new ways of assigning them.
- Path notes will automatically be shown when something new has been added!
- Children. Walks around and eats your food while contributing to nothing. Can also go to school.
- New procreation rooms that lets you make new citizens. Breeder for Cretonians, Nursery for men and Hatchery for Garthimis.
- Rooms on battle minimap fixed
- Nerfed hunter success by 50%
- Room refurnishing vanishing resources fix.
- Added addition useful info to the food days tooltip.
- Fixed disparaging enemy garrisons after battles
- Tweaked pathing a bit. More road usage, and smoother paths.
- Hearths now used once a week, even if no one is cold.
- Fixed population decline in world regions.
- Remade room, work and priority panels.
- Made slaughtered animals into skeletons in pastures, so to stop the confusion.
- World generation now have moddable blueprints for the terrain. Random seed also added.
- Export depot remade into a static design, and has only one resource. Global settings for exporting in the UI
- Visual genders for certain species, with feminine and masculine names.
- Admin nerfed slightly. Harder to remain in control of regions. You need either an army stationed, or a big garrison.
- Admin room now unlocks at Cheiftain (500 people)
- Import depots have controls for global import level.
- Import depot has a visual resource
- Lavatory basins fixed
- Janitors do a better job at fetching needed resources
- New title system. Titles can be unlocked and then used with a new game. Unlocked titles persist between games and also hopefully versions.
- Savable room layouts that will also hopefully survive between versions.
- ×200 speed added if you push the third speed key twice.
- Some rooms leave the floor/road when deleted
- Steam achievements now triggered when you press the sync steam button.
- Trade resource counter fixed
- Bonuses in status panel sorted alphabetically
- Warehouse and export depot UI fixes
- Added tooltip for equipping resources with their wear-rate
- Improved the room creation UI
- Added UI for how much a species like other species in the species info panel
- Some needs now resets, such as drink. Will help that initial drink supplying.
- Improved canteen workers significantly and their usage as well.
- New room - transport. A cart pulled by animals that is loaded and then sent to a destination. Requires livestock to operate. Moves 200 items at a time.
- Hauler now come in different sizes.
- Made freed slaves immigrants, so you'll have some time before their expectations rise.
- Smarter Deliverymen
- All now have multi-carry capabilities. They'll carry up to 3 resources, and be a bit smarter about it.
- Refiners have common storage for output.
- Deliverymen has had their carry capacity nerfed a bit.
- Prolonged the day-length. This is to optimise things and make distances less important. Leisure time can be experienced as longer in early game though.
- New stat: riches. Based on the amount of credits you have per citizen.
- Military depots have setting how much they'll be filled.
- Trade interval halved, more frequent trades. Good deals for SoS. Trade reworked, should be better in general.
- Import depots has more storage.
- New penalty for exports. You'll be paid less at the beginning, but this penalty can be reduced by techs and levels.
- AI now receives tribute as to what makes sense, not a static amount for each, resulting in a more balanced market.
- Spoils and tribute will go to the throne, if there is no import depot for the resource. Also imports that has had their import depots removed.
- measuring tool with right click.
- Deposits colored after density
- A new super copier tool
- Fixed keyboard issues
- Proximity instead of distance in services. And this has been nerfed, allowing you to reach 100%.
- Service coverage radius increased by 50%
- Toggable overlay when building roads
- Some rooms have their settings copied when copying them. Worker limits and warehouse settings.
- Fixed mining output based on workers
- Added "Starfoth The Burgundy"'s Silk Rug's2 nobility mod to the main game.
- 4 new soundtracks
- Info in main menu about starting species
- Expanded info when placing down first city
- Environments (awe, harmony) modifiable.
- Monuments/decorations made modifiable, and ordinary rooms can map to these.
- Added support for invalid keys for mods. Species init files can now have rooms that doesn't exist. Make sure you have debug on when modding to test that you aren't making mistakes.
- Remade the appearance block of subjects almost completely. Now allows for more modularity when rendering portraits. There is an example species you can have a look at in game folder that hopefully explains it. Not too difficult too convert from the old system.
- Added a file-type "_IgnoreVanilla.txt". Place this anywhere in order to ignore all vanilla assets in the folder.
- Added new mod versioning. At the root of the mod folder, you must have a new folder VXX, where XX is the major version number of the game. So you can now support multiple versions.
- Sync steam button no longer hangs
- Removed tutorial + examples if mod does not have their own.
- Added support for more textures. Crazy content mods is no problem, and bigger fonts possible, such as Asian ones. (you specify texture size in mod _info.txt as TEXTURE_CACHE_SIZE Can be 4096, 8192, 16384)
[Changes undocumented]
- Fixed certain key mappings from not working between launchers.
- Bug fixes.
- CTD fixes.
- Hotfix for modding of pastures.
- Read/Write access fix.
- A bunch of crash fixes.
- Fixed screen ratios.
- Changed to latest Java.
- Some minor fixes.
- Removed colored squares from guardposts.
- Fixed key bindings.
- Some spelling errors (thanks quazz789)
- Mine output based on workers fixed.
- Some minor fixes.
- Fixed the tutorial I broke in 58.26.
- Fixed bugs with mods introduced in 58.26.
- Fixed pastures not fetching livestock.
- New launcher mechanics. Allows for selecting monitor and hopefully fixes crashes associated with launcher.
- Multiple oddity fixes.
- Game remembers selected mods.
- Settings and key bindings in plain text.
- CTDs
- Added example cities
- Fixed city troops from dying when autoresolving battle.
- Some UI and crash fixes.
- Made city soldiers not join army until they train for longer.
- Some UI fixes
- Fixed subjects not training when armies are sent out.
- Fixed garrison losses when auto resolving
- Fixed guards, much higher arrest rates as a result
- Minor bugs and crashes
- Taxes on hover region
- Visually improvement of armies
- Warehouse capacity UI fix
- Adjusted prices slightly.
- Version moved to the stable branch.
- Fixed a very rare save breaking bug where the first soldier in a city division dies of old age.
- Balancing of raiders and rebels. Bigger chance of smaller rebels, less training and equipment.
- Rebels will start with 0 battlegear and low training, then acquire more as time passes.
- Fixed double rebel army spawning
- Fixed spoil-related problems when fighting
- Added numbers and stats to protection message
- Crash fixes
- Ration maker exploit fixed
- Warehouse hover fix
- Lots of fixes regarding battle results freezes, spoils and city divisions.
- Fixed loot for player battles. Armies should now get loot if they win.
- Graveyards outside only
- Free slaves option
- Reduced tribute slightly
- Reduced AI army sizes slightly (upon generation)
- Reverted some service usage changes I'd done to avoid happiness drops in saves
- Slaver bugs fixed.
- Fixed crashed/weirdness with your city garrison
- Fixed "under siege message"
- Starvation bugs when mustering
- Endless immigration bug
- Stopped subjugated armies from moving about.
- Fixed bugged throne counter in battles
- Fixed the pesky food days bug
- Crash fixes
- Spoils for custom battles
- Immortality fix. Sadly some people lived forever, now they will die, potentially straining your graveyards in saves.
- Fixed military supply resource counters.
- Workers highlighted on hover room
- Replaced the "++" with bars on species info.
- Crash fixes
- Army depot fix
- Tribute fix
- Player garrison holdout fix.
- Possible immigration problems fix.
- Added "reload assets" as a debug tool, which will reload the game and use newly edited files and textures.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed instant win for raiders on second attack
- Victories transfer supplies
- Swapping divisions between armies swaps supplies
- Fixed bug where subject could get stuck
- Some UI changes to happiness
- Fix that fixes saves the bug I created in 58.7 corrupted.
- Fixed broken start thing.
- Battle timer fix
- Garrison + army battle crash
- Intercept bugs
- Immigration spam clicking fix
- A bunch of crashfixes
- All reported crashes fixed
- Lowered rebellion and uprising chances.
- Crash fixes.
- Save bug
- Regeneration world bug
- Tutorial
- Mercenaries/manpower fix
- Hotfixes..
- Human description.
- Eateries
- Libraries
- Taxation
- Entirely new gameplay mechanics for the overworld.
- space usage for sprites severely reduced, making it possible for more mods.
- UI for goods remade. Now merged with trade.
- Inflation added. 10% of credits per year will be lost. Sorry.
- Treasury UI remade
- New Happiness modifiers and fixed ones.
- Improved Pastures ability to deal with bad daily work.
- Made Lavatories modable
- Added some load information to services and heatmaps for access.
- Added dynamic yield for mines based on assigned workers.
- Added some kind of growth inside mountains, made mountain generation a bit better
- Species now have terrain/biome preference in addition to climate. MODDERS: added a TERRAIN clause for animals. Added POPULATION clause to species.
- Fixed a lot of streaming issues, like discord. Just uncheck "debug" in the launcher, if it complains when you exit the game.
- 2 new species.
- 3 new music tracks
- Price for leather fixed through a moddable thing in resource init files.
- Fixed CTD regarding monuments and smaller rooms.
- Added forums and a wiki to the webpage (well, community did really).
- Middle mouse button now grabs map.
- Knowledge cap now limitless
- Mines now produce according to employees and deposits, you can now build over bad deposits.
- Administration room, works as library to make admin points, used to upgrade regions.
- Rations and rationmaker
- Autosave & quicksave new UI
- Changed apartments to only need work every 4th use.
- More bug fixes.
- Fixed bug with equipment for mods.
- More bug fixes
- Fixed exports, so that you sell to the highest biddest rather than lowest.
- Bug fixes.
- Made some adjustments for the translation tool that is now released
- Small bug fixes
- City world placement bug fixed. Added less strict rules for placing your settlement.
- A few bugs.
- Overlay UI refined.
- Bug fixes.
- Had to change a few lines in species's text files in order to deploy a translation tool.
- Re-added radius UI for janitors.
- A cannibal CTD .
- Moved fertility overlay to toggleble.
- Added a bunch more overlays to the eye button.
- Found a very nasty bug that leads to work places beeing unusable to the workers. It will stop it from happening, but if workplaces not working well, refurnish them to reset them.
- Fixed a bug where rooms wouldn't get constructed.
- Added species specific stats to rate desc.
- CTD with no raids.
- Fixed flimsy temperature exposure.
- Invasion intervals reduced.
- Some bug fixes,
- Fixed the tutorial save bug. Unfortionately I can't save existing saves, sorry!
- Fixed baths to have higher happiness than wells.
- Some typos.
- Fixed constructed room notification from breaking when loading
- Removed shown radius on hover
- Added tools and other boosts to production tooltip.
- Fixed when selling goods, toll is not added to your credits.
- Fixed a bug with work priorities.
- Fixed some wiki formatting
- fixed a CTD caused by queues.
- A bug with mass graves (weird mass graves need to be refurnished)
- Added roadmap link in the launcher
- Added patchnotes in the launcher
- Increasing raids with 'lots' selected
- Increasing time it takes for a grave to vacate from 16 to 40 days
- Increasing crime rate
- Disallowed nobles from being made nobles again.
- Capped noble's work skill.
- New error sender that sends error without email
- Pasture bug fixed.
- Training room construction CTD
- Better tutorial (will break tutorial saves)
- More wiki.
- some Training bugs.
- Fixed prisoner number bugs.
- Hopefully fixed battle CTD
- Big bug fixes with work priorities and deactivated barracks.
- Food preference bug.
- Stopped world faction minimap colors from messing up.
- Ability to right click when placing landing party.
- Improved zooming on the minimap.
- More wiki.
- New bug reporter that sends bugs better.
- A CTD hotfix
- A battle CTD
- Clicking animals CTD
- A industry bug, making them only use one of the needed resources.
- Increased invasion intervals when selecting "lots"
- Fixed visuals with worker numbers
- Global workload fixed.
- Farm Wiki from Dragon Warrior
- A few other CTD
- New in-game encyclopedia mechanics with a very important message as the first entry...
- Fixed visuals of pop-up messages.
- Fixed the everlasting edibles, again...
- Fixed a visual bug with guardposts (missing stairs)
- Wall/doorway room placement bug.
- Adjusted prices of produced goods.
- Changed so that in-rates for industries remain static while only the output is affected by boosts.
- Fixed a translation bug
- Fixed the harvest edibles CTD
- Non removable monuments fix
- Dread roads now produce dread.
- Death cause inspect CTD
- Pasture overfill bug
- Added new fonts and increased brightness of text.
- Some minor visual fixes.
- Fixed unclearable wild edibles.
- Graveyard access disabled fix.
- Build a spell checker that checks for spelling/typos whenever I build the game.
- Room production overhaul. Enables us to specify in-rates, so that bread can cost 0.5 wood and 1 grain for instance.
- Added a "do what I did last" Button and hotkey for the build menu.
- Clarified and fixed squareness a bit.
- Clay exavatable resource + claypit
- Ability to mod occurrence of exavatable resource based on terrain.
- Happiness screen overhauled.
- Info on city selection refined.
- Trade adjusted and balanced.
- Potter Workshop and Pottery. Coal + clay = pottery
- Alcohol resource and brewery. Wood+pottery+grain/fruit = alcohol
- Eatery room. Very basic food distribution place. Replaces kitchen.
- Canteen room. Now works as a kitchen with tables.
- Tarven is now for drinks only.
- Alcohol limit to dictate. Adds happiness, but can make subjects drunk an unproductive if set too high.
- Changed so that all rooms that needed wood to run now requires coal instead at a lower rate.
- AI faction trade and production overhauled. Still needs some work, but better now.
- Well room, a simple bath.
- Jewelry and jewelers. Jewelry can be worn.
- Proper slaves. Can be gained through beating Krull, or as a form of punishment. Slaves have a collective happiness that is still based on the racial composition of all your slaves. You set work priorities for slaves, same as citizens. Slaves have simpler demands in general. They don't have expectations, but the more slaves you have per citizen, the happier you must make them. Slaves can run away if too unhappy. Will revolt in the future.
- Slaver room for punishing criminals and gain slaves.
- New slave UI screen.
- Unique slave happiness based on the number of citizens compared to slaves.
- Lots of rebalancing around happiness and a few stats added/removed.
- Touched up some icons.
- Slaves will run away, while citizens will commit more crimes and not emigrate if unhappy.
- Slaver event, lets you buy slaves.
- Notifications reworked, some new added.
- Death statistics and death causes added.
- New grave alternative - Crypt
- Cannibal room that butchers corpses for resources.
- Mass grave for corpses.
- Hover info for room copier.
- Room category UI remade.
- industry storage visible on hover.
- mines/woodcutter proper errors.
- Guard post placed inside fixed.
- Forgetting techs now disables all dependent techs.
- Horizontal scrolling of tech tree with ctrl + mousewheel
- Notification when nobles die.
- Imports in new games now start at 100%
- Woodcutter noise added.
- Woodcutter worker limit adjusted.
- Prices adjusted slightly to favour produced goods.
- Fixed degrading mines. Affected mines need to be refurnished for the fix to kick in.
- Fixed being able to tax your region at start.
- Spelling and typos.
- Degrade rate for mines and woodcutter decreased
- Knowledge bug fixed.
- Fixed a bug where the last recruit would stop training.
- Fixed employment numbers UI
- Fixed tribute not arriving
- Fixed trade prices again.
- Fixed quality of invading troops.
- Fixed training ground reservations. Old saved need to deactivate and activate training grounds.
- Hopefully fixed taxing regions.
- Hopefully fixed floor vanishing.
- Added inflation to AI treasuries, to try to combat them all going into debt and have prices drop. Prices will rise slowly in old saves.
- Fixed additional things around law and sadly have to reset old save's law. Last time, promise.
- Increased rate at which subjects mourn/watch executions
- New Dondorian portraits by @Spool
- Prison numbers fixed. (Refurnish and cancel to fix broken prisons)
- Training fixed again.
- A CTD.
- Fixed up the trade UI. Added some tooltips and some colors.
- Also noticed that saving/loading trade was broken, so fixed that.
- Law completely reworked. Had to reset everything in old saves, so you're going to have a surge of crime.
- Fixed the prison bugs.
- Training room bugs fixed
- Fixed broken off time (again)
- Fixed not returning battlegear and decreased wear rate a lot
- Fixed maintenance of smaller rooms (will result in an initial surge of maintenance when loading old versions, then fix itself)
- Fixed broken mercy
- Fixed negative arrests
- Fixed off time people stuck in off time.
- Fixed prisoners getting stuck.
- Hopefully fixed woodcutter degrade bug.
- Fixed message title.
- Fixed broken law numbers.
- Fixed prices from differing too much between refined and raw materials.
- Fixed nobles elevation
- Removed a font.
- Fixed some room plans from not finishing.
- CTD murders
- Increased size needed for woodcutters.
- Fixed work schedule of everyone + added notification in UI that a worker is having free time or not.
- Fixed so degrade isn't removed when refurnish.
- Fixed murderers from getting stuck.
- Stopped job remover tool from removing hearth.
- Fixed a CTD
- Changed so odd jobbers doesn't work too much.
- Some tooltip fixes
- Builders now produce resources when clearing stuff.
- Fixed CTD when mining mountains.
- Hauler room added. Can be placed for free on cleared ground and will employ haulers, that will fetch resources to the room.
- Proper Woodcutter room added. Now fully renewable and with fixed output, same as other industries.
- Much easier to reach 0% squareness.
- Logistics mechanics overhauled, added a "empty to" mechanics which lets you empty resources to specific warehouses.
- New Janitor room with maintenance now separated from construction. Only janitors can do maintenance. Janitors need construction materials in the vicinity, or they will become less effective.
- Auto employment for some rooms, which will make the AI fire/hire 1 subject per day based on workload. Workload calculations improved.
- Normal speed triggers when there is a message
- Immigrant value now decreases more slow, allowing you to fulfil the needs of new immigrants.
- Onx pastures for cold and temperate climates.
- Hotkey for getting to the throne/capitol.
- Status concept. New profile screen.
- Level (title). You now increase your level according to your population, which unlocks bonuses and rooms. The throne visually upgrades with these levels.
- Faction visuals. Change faction name and colors while playing.
- Faction banners. Randomized banners for all faction and a banner editor for the player.
- Added on "available services" tooltip. How many are used and how many that needs work.
- Fixed various crashes from streaming. Requires you to uncheck "debug" in the launcher.
- Remade light engine and prettier fires/candles
- Recoloured ore
- Huge AI refactoring. Not that anyone cares, but it allows for faster AI progress.
- Criminals. Come in three flavours: thieves, vandalisers, streakers, and murderers. Each species has a property on their chance to become criminals. The amount of criminals spawned depends of law and happiness.
- New guard post room. Guards will catch criminals in their vicinity, or if they happen to stumble into one on their patrols. Guard posts also deter crime in their vicinity.
- Prison. Employs guards that bring food and empties latrines of the cells. Criminals will go here after being caught, if your policies are set up that way. Prisoners will stay there for a number of years before being let out and become citizens again (average 6 years).
- Game will now save to "new_city" before you place your throne, allowing you to restart at any time by loading it.
- Scaffolds room. Employs executioners. Prisoners will go here to be executed according to your policies.
- Courts. Prisoners will go here before going to either prisons or scaffolds. Improves justice. Can also instantly turn some prisoners back to friendly subjects.
- Added a width/height restriction to rooms.
- Made so that the tunnelling bonus actually works. Dondorians tunnel into mountains twice as fast.
- Rearranged resources categories a bit.
- Law. Law is gained by apprehending criminals, having courts for them as well as Prisons and scaffolds. Law makes your citizens happy and deters the spawning of criminals.
- New algorithm for determining build order when constructing massive walls now enables you to build as thick a walls as you'd like without people getting stuck.
- The above also holds true when building rooms with inner walls.
- Added demography to understand retirement better. Also made it more clear that retired people doesn't work.
- Returned rock ground under mountains that had disappeared.
- Moved key settings to in-game menu.
- Touched up the happiness screen in an effort to make it more understandable.
- New tech tree with unlockable buildings.
- Made room construction render above terrain.
- Decreased snoring sound.
- Deleting room blueprint no longer removes roads beneath.
- New employment mechanics with new priority system and panels. AI will now distribute workforce evenly.
- A bit more UI info about service rooms.
- New trading mechanics for stabler trade and prices.
- When Krull dies, his son will take up his arms and continue raiding you.
- optional resources shown as optional on hover when build.
- Harvest jobs can be placed, but only performed when ripe.
- Adjusted happiness a bit. Now moving on to 0.56.
- Fixed a modding issue
- removed walls from door placement
- Fixed straightness
- Mac tutorial fix
- CTDs
- Increased happiness quite a bit.
- Kitchen food now counts as consumed
- Game settings CTD
- Hopefully a freeze fix.
- Library paper consumption fixed
- Invasions now scale with population as opposed to nr of troops
- Fixed fishery construction not clearing terrain
- Java scripts now working finally.
- Added a "disabled rooms" to world view when you're placing you city.
- Fixed room construction tooltip and refurnishing rooms needed to re-clear the area already cleared.
- Fish storage now displayed correctly when building fisheries.
- Fixed init load numbers
- Animal spawn rate increased and fixed.
- Ability to use speed keys when in minimap view.
- Invasion numbers fixed.
- Pasture production bug fixed.
- Maintenance removed until I've worked out a better solution.
- Added graph on hover of stored resources in the goods panel.
- Fixes a severe saving error, where all AI data would be reset. Can potentially cause bugs with your saves on load, but nothing serious I hope.
- Hopefully fixed deliverymen "getting stuck"
- Fixed service happiness for small number of subjects
- Fixed saves that had the name "save" in them.
- Unlocked playing around with the tutorial script.
- Fixed fishery reconstruction from clearing water. Unfortunately graveyard trees are going to look a bit weird in your saves from earlier versions.
- Fence no longer blocks sound.
- Added radius to janitors.
- Fixed room maintenance from resetting to 100% after load.
- Halved degradation.
- CTD when regenerating settlement map.
- Fixed up the path notes.
- Tavern fix. Might need to refurnish broken taverns.
- Priority numbers fixed.
- Monument heatmaps fixed.
- Spelling.
- Burial respect fix.
- Stone amount UI fixed.
- Janitor CTD.
- Small farm CTD.
- load menu CTD.
- hearth low usage fix.
- mine placement clarification.
- Sithilion Ore that can be mined. Very rare and at a slow rate.
- Happiness modifier based on resource stored per citizen (modable in species init files). Dondorians like Sithilion ore.
- Stockpile crates size increased from 64 to 255.
- Stockpiles have adjustable radius for their workers.
- Smaller radius for employed subjects that wants to give a hand with odd jobs like hauling, construction or maintenance.
- Bread resource + Bakery industry. Grain is no longer edible, but must be processed into bread. The industry only needs grain to operate.
- Proper hunting rooms. Very effective in the beginning to feet your subjects. Has an adjustable radius that can cover the whole map. Wild game will be exterminated quickly though if overused.
- Proper fisheries. You now place a fishery room on top of shallow water. Expand a bit on land too to be able to place storage and auxiliary items. Fish stock is static and is highlighted when placing the room. Green is best. Red is hardly worth placing a fishery on top.
- When placing your throne at the beginning of the game you have the ability to regenerate (button below "place start"). While the general layout will be the same and dirived from the world tiles you picked, minerals, game, and fish stock will be randomly generated once more.
- Tilling period for farms. No longer will you get an army of workers after harvest, the farmers must remain an "till" the earth until they can sow in spring. Tilling increases the output of next harvest.
- Manual food usage in kitchen. You can now check which raw ingredients to use. Can come in handy if you're saving up some of them, or using them different locally (save the meat for the nobility district)
- Manual usage of specific raw materials in workshops. Now only applies to tailors in practise that can use either pelts or fabric.
- Rates added to industries. The rate is an estimate of the amount of produce per worker per day.
- All industries internal storage reduced and will stop producing if these are full. should prevent carpenter from using up all the wood.
- Tiny saves < 1MB. No need to zip anymore! Things now saved better and faster.
- Fields of minable resources are now much bigger, while having a lower yield. they are also infinite and clearly visible if you right click. they can also generate inside mountains, or under shallow water.
- Room placement undV55 is now ready to be checked out as a beta. enjoy!o better.
- Ability to change roof of room when reconstructing it.
- Ability to reconstruct rooms under construction. (Just click them).
- Livestock resource replaces the damned eggs (eggs now a food) and pastures no longer needs them in the construction process. Instead the herders will grab a livestock and haul it into the pasture where it transforms into cattle. Pastures produce livestock at a low rate. Different type pastures are available in different climates and the animals produce different kinds of resources at different rates (meat, pelt, cotton, eggs). Hunters sometimes produce a livestock resource.
- Animals also spawned according to climate and have different resources when hunted.
- Minimap has been a bit revamped with better and more consistent colors and functions.
- Construction panel has been condensed.
- New setting in the launcher allows you to pick both width and height of a windowed window. Should now work well with ultra wide-screeners.
- Service rooms have a reachability map on hover that shows you the area where subjects can reach it. "Distance" also added as a modifier to service happiness. You can never max it out, but you can decrease it by placing services closer to where they're needed.
- Ability to pick multiple mods. The first chosen mod will have residence over the second and so forth.
- 3 more soundtracks. I advise you turn the music volume back up.
- keyboard rework. Ability to assign more keys using ctrl/alt as a modulator. Added keys for saving and zooming. More keys to come. Open to suggestions.
- All rooms and their production now reflected on the world map. What this means is that the AI is playing by the same rules as you are when building your city in terms of manpower and production rates.
- Trade fixed a bit. You will now get special treatment in the algorithms, making sure you're the first who gets to export/import on the world scene, leading to massive trades.
- Baths are now made modable, meaning they are dynamically loaded. So you can add as many variations of a bath as you want and define how it affects happiness.
- Clarified service access happiness a bit. I grouped each "group" (food & sleep)
- Immigrants will now walk to the throne and kiss it.
- Happiness and immigration completely reworked. We now have "expectations" which will increase as your population grows. It affects total population as well as population per species.
- New, rare species added (Cantors). Giants not really good at anything else but fighting. Very picky and demanding.
- Maintenance and upkeep reworked. Should be a higher rate, you now need to pay attention to it. There are settings for road and room maintenance in the room panel.
- More resource expenditure UI. Added maintenance, construction and some other resource usage statistics.
- Temperature according to climate and season. Exposure added to subjects. they have a chance to die from exposure. Exposure can be mitigated by wearing clothes and using hearths /skinnydipping. There is also snow in cold climates.
- Walls now count towards building preference.
- Squareness thing added for room construction. Affects happiness. Species can have a thing for organic looking cities or square ones.
- Isolation added to rooms based on walls surrounding it. Affects maintenance needed greatly.
- Room cost and upkeep is increased by building big rooms. You now need supportive pillars or walls inside the rooms to avoid this extra cost.
- Efficiency/cosiness reworked. Based on actual stations vs knick-knacks/auxiliaries
- Monument Trees now emit harmony. awe, harmony and dread reworked.
- Noise. Noisy rooms disturb subjects. Noise travels through air, but is dampened by walls.
- Paper and papermaker, primarely for libraries that now needs paper, else they'll work at 25% speed.
- Fixed game zooming, should now zoom in and out without disorientation.
- Krull wins if his men reaches the throne.
- Species work priorities draggable.
- Fart sounds reduced.
- Re-added sounds to work rooms
- Service usage number fixed
- New localization method ensuring swift translation.
- Removed coal usage in weaver, reduced efficiency
- Launcher wind sound lowered.
- Faction colors mixup fix.
- CTD when invasion
- CTD when dragging unit cards in dev mode
- CTD when opening room list
- Fixed broken kitchens. No more free food.
- Food preference fixed.
- CTD when deleting room from panel