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Immigration is the process of citizens moving into your settlement. When overall population happiness is above 70%, immigrants will begin taking interest in moving into your settlement. The climate the settlement is in will dictate the amount of immigrants from a certain race to show up more frequently that favor said climate. For example, starting your settlement in a colder climate will have more Dondorians immigrating than if the climate was warmer, simply because that's the climate that Dondorians prefer.

Immigration can be controlled to the point where only a certain amount of people of a certain race can show up at once. Immigration should be managed carefully, because even though having your population grow leads to more things being done for the settlement, a population that's too high can empty your food storage faster than it can be replenished, leading to a hungry population.

Cretonians and Dondorians show up normally, but Cantors are very rare and hard to get, as well as hard to please to keep them around.