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Taxes are a way for your kingdom to extract raw resources and foods from the regions that it controls. When you desire to tax a region you control you first click on the city in the region to bring up the region menu, then click on taxes. This menu will allow you to tax resources from that region, at a cost of admin points (produced at an administration building) and region loyalty. When goods are successfully taxed they will be sent to any open import depot that accepts that good found in your city (you must have at least one import depot of the correct type with room for more goods in order to accept taxes). There are 18 different resources you can tax and 18 different industries that can be taxed.


There are a number of modifiers that will change the resulting rate of

Taxable Industries

There are 18 different industries of which you can tax for resources. Each industry can be taxed up to 10 times and can produce between 1 and 3 types of goods.

Taxable Resources

There are 18 different raw resources and foods that can be received from your taxed industries.