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The Humans are one of five available races in Songs of Syx. Humans are the smartest and most mentally unique of all races, as they have the most free will and flexible minds. Because of this, they thrive at jobs that require high intelligence. Humans also have the unique ability to thrive in all types of climates, with temperate being the most preferred by them.
The foods they prefer are bread, fish, mushrooms and eggs. Much like humans in real life, they prefer open land over mountains and ocean/river areas. Somewhat similar to humans in real life, their life span is 100 years.
"Humans, the last creation of the gods. Excel at intelligent jobs and are decent farmers."
Long description
"The humans were the final creation of the Astars, and unlike all their other creations they gave them free will and a shapable mind. This seperates them from all the others. Initially men were immortal, but after the second war of the gods, this was removed as punishment for some to have aligned with the Chaos Lord."