Steam history

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This page lists the changelog of every released version of Songs of Syx.

Cannibals, Slaves and Drunks

Released: 3/17/2021
Type: Major Update

  • Build a spell checker that checks for spelling/typos whenever I build the game.
  • Room production overhaul. Enables us to specify in-rates, so that bread can cost 0.5 wood and 1 grain for instance.
  • Added a "do what I did last" Button and hotkey for the build menu.
  • Clarified and fixed squareness a bit.
  • Clay excavatable resource + claypit
  • Ability to mod occurrence of excavatable resource based on terrain.
  • Happiness screen overhauled.
  • Info on city selection refined.
  • Trade adjusted and balanced.
  • Potter Workshop and Pottery. Coal + clay = pottery
  • Alcohol resource and brewery. Wood+pottery+grain/fruit = alcohol
  • Eatery room. Very basic food distribution place. Replaces kitchen.
  • Canteen room. Now works as a kitchen with tables.
  • Tavern is now for drinks only.
  • Alcohol limit to dictate. Adds happiness, but can make subjects drunk an unproductive if set too high.
  • Changed so that all rooms that needed wood to run now requires coal instead at a lower rate.
  • AI faction trade and production overhauled. Still needs some work, but better now.
  • Well room, a simple bath.
  • Jewelry and jewelers. Jewelry can be worn.
  • Proper slaves. Can be gained through beating Krull, or as a form of punishment. Slaves have a collective happiness that is still based on the racial composition of all your slaves. You set work priorities for slaves, same as citizens. Slaves have simpler demands in general. They don't have expectations, but the more slaves you have per citizen, the happier you must make them. Slaves can run away if too unhappy. Will revolt in the future.
  • Slaver room for punishing criminals and gain slaves.
  • New slave UI screen.
  • Unique slave happiness based on the number of citizens compared to slaves.
  • Lots of rebalancing around happiness and a few stats added/removed.
  • Touched up some icons.
  • Slaves will run away, while citizens will commit more crimes and not emigrate if unhappy.
  • Slaver event, lets you buy slaves.
  • Notifications reworked, some new added.
  • Death statistics and death causes added.
  • New grave alternative - Crypt
  • Cannibal room that butchers corpses for resources.
  • Mass grave for corpses.
  • Hover info for room copier.
  • Room category UI remade.
  • Industry storage visible on hover.
  • Mines/woodcutter proper errors.
  • Guard post placed inside fixed.
  • Forgetting techs now disables all dependent techs.
  • Horizontal scrolling of tech tree with Ctrl + mousewheel
  • Notification when nobles die.