
From Songs of Syx Wiki
Revision as of 15:27, 7 July 2022 by Zippy (talk | contribs)
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I'm just some guy. I'm the Lead Developer of this very wiki, and I'm a mod at the Age of Empires wiki. Not only that, but I'm excellent at Photoshop and have been *given countless awards for that, and I have mild game development experience and have been making websites since the age of 15 (since 2005). That's about it, there's nothing too interesting about me. I mean, I'm just saying...

*not really

Personal Sandbox Page
Wiki CSS Page (Admins only)
My personal CSS Page
My personal checklist
Test Redirect Link
Test Broken Redirect Link
Wikipedia Link
My Test Template
List of Templates
List of Documentation Templates
Intentionally Broken Link