MediaWiki:Common.css: Difference between revisions

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No edit summary
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 724: Line 724:
   background-image: linear-gradient(to right,rgba(135, 160, 191, 0) 0,#5180bb 33%,#587caa 66%,rgba(200,204,209,0) 100%);
   background-image: linear-gradient(to right,rgba(135, 160, 191, 0) 0,#5180bb 33%,#587caa 66%,rgba(200,204,209,0) 100%);

/* More Sidebar Stuff */
/* More Sidebar Stuff */
Line 741: Line 743:
   border-bottom: 2px solid #313046;
   border-bottom: 2px solid #313046;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;
.vector-legacy-sidebar .vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a:visited {
  color: #5f85c7;

Latest revision as of 16:28, 17 December 2024


/* Figcaption */
.mw-content-ltr figure[typeof~="mw:File/Thumb"] > figcaption, .mw-content-ltr figure[typeof~="mw:File/Frame"] > figcaption {
  background-color: #2d2d44;
  padding: 6px;
  border: 1px solid #607ea4;

/* Figcaption Image */
figure[typeof~="mw:File/Thumb"]:not([typeof~="mw:Error"]) > a {
  background-color: #5858ae;

/* Links in the "More" dropdown list */
.vector-menu-dropdown .mw-list-item a {
  color: #a8c1ec;

.mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend {
border-radius: 7px;
border-color: #a5a4dbad;
padding: 9px; }

/* Unpatrolled Edits */
.unpatrolled {color: #ffff00;}

/* Doc Entire Box */
.docbox {
  background: #34646f;
  border: 2px dashed #ffffff8c;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 5px;
  padding-left: 10px;

/* Doc Template Headers */
.docheader {
  background-color: #50938c;
  border-radius: 7px;
  border-bottom: 4px solid #2a534f;
  padding-left: 10px;
  font-size: 17px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;

/* Doc Entire Box (RED) */
.docbox2 {
  background: #6f3434;
  border: 2px dashed #ffd5d57d;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 5px;
  padding-left: 10px;

/* Doc Template Headers (RED) */
.docheader2 {
  background-color: #bd5f5f;
  border-radius: 7px;
  border-bottom: 4px solid #511d1de6;
  padding-left: 10px;
  font-size: 17px;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: bold;


/* Editing a Protected page */
.mw-message-box-warning {
   background-color: #792828;
   border: 2px solid #bb7070;
   border-radius: 11px;
   color: white;

/* Good Article Icon */
.goodarticle {
  float: right;
  margin-top: -47px;
  margin-right: 8px;

/* Headlined Articles Icon */
.headlined {
  float: right;
  margin-top: -47px;
  margin-right: 42px;

/* Span RedirectFrom Text */ {
  font-size: 11px;

/* Subpages Link */
span.subpages {
  float: left;
  margin-top: -15px;
  font-size: 11px;

/* Textcrunch Div on the Main Page */
.textcrunch {
  line-height: 20px;

/* To-do List Div Template */

.tododiv {
  font-size: 11px;
  background-color: #393939;
  border-radius: 10px;
  margin: auto;
  text-align: center;
  line-height: 15px;
  padding: 2px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  padding-right: 15px;
  padding-top: 6px;
  padding-bottom: 6px;
  box-shadow: inset 0.5px 0.5px 0.5px #9a9ab380, 2px 2px 3px #0000004f;
  margin-top: 3px;
  margin-bottom: -32px;

/* Bubbled Text Template (Small Version) */

.bubblesmall {
  background-color: #5e5e5e;
  border-radius: 6px;
  padding: 2px;
  padding-left: 6px;
  padding-right: 6px;
  line-height: 18px;

.bubblesmall:hover {
  background-color: #5478a6;

.bubblesmall:active {
  background-color: #266464;

/* Vector Menu Portal - aka Sidebar */

.vector-legacy-sidebar .vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-heading {
  color: #adc0ce;

.vector-legacy-sidebar .vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a {
  color: #9ec2ff;

.vector-menu-portal {
  background-color: #262644;
  font-size: 15px;
  border-radius: 10px;
  border: 1px solid #63619b;
  margin-bottom: 8px;
  filter: drop-shadow(-4px 5px 4px #00000091);
  border-left: 3px solid #63619b;
  border-bottom: 3px solid #63619b;

.vector-legacy-sidebar .vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a {
  color: #9ec2ff

/* .vector-menu-portal was the original sidebar class */

.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-heading {
  color: #c6cdd2;

/* Tabs */

.tabs-input-1:checked ~ .tabs-container .tabs-content-1, .tabs-input-2:checked ~ .tabs-container .tabs-content-2, .tabs-input-3:checked ~ .tabs-container .tabs-content-3, .tabs-input-0:checked ~ .tabs-container .tabs-content-1 {
  padding: 6px;

.tabs-tabbox > .tabs-label {
  background-color: #5f5d97;

.tabs-tabbox:hover > .tabs-label:hover {
  background-color: #6c6aac;

.tabs-tabbox > .tabs-container {
  border: 1px solid #8A7F9F;
  border-bottom: 3px solid #7A78A6 !important;
  border-right: 3px solid #7A78A6 !important;
  background-color: #41405b;

.tabs-tabbox > .tabs-input:checked + .tabs-label, .tabs-input-0:checked + .tabs-input-1 + .tabs-label {
  background-color: #474580;
  border: 1px solid #9fa1f4;
  border-bottom: #00000000; /* none */

/* Active Filter Selector */
.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget-outlined .oo-ui-tagItemWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled {
  margin: 6px;
  color: #2e284d;

/* Traitbar Colors (Default) */

.traitbar {
  background-color: #23110b;
  border: 0px solid #23110b;

/* Admin Link Test */

a[href="/wiki/User:Zippy"] {
  color: orange;

/* Standard Images */

#imagefix {
  padding-top: 10px;
  margin-bottom: -10px;

/* Experimental Photoshop Template */

.photoshop {
  filter: contrast(100);

/* Colored Squares */

.colorsquare {
  margin-top: 4px;

.colorsquare2 {
  margin-top: 10px;

/* Helpful Links */

#bubble_link a {color: #ffbf00;}
#bubble_link a:hover {color: #ffe495; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffe495;}
#bubble_link a:visited {color: #ffbf00;}
#bubble_link a:active {color: #fff4d4; text-decoration: underline dotted #fff4d4;}

#bubble_link {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
#bubble_link {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffdfdf;}
#bubble_link {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
#bubble_link {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffdfdf;}

/* Resource Navigation Template */

#navbar_links {box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px #00000042;}
#navbar_links a {color: #eee;}
#navbar_links a:hover {color: #fff; text-shadow:13px 13px 10px #ffffff00, 1px 1px 10px #ccc;}
#navbar_links a:visited {color: #eee;}
#navbar_links a:active {color: #fff;}

#navbar_links {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
#navbar_links {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffdfdf; text-shadow:0px 0px 0px #f00, 0px 0px 0px #ccc;}
#navbar_links {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
#navbar_links {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffdfdf;}

/* Redirect Links (disabled)

.mw-body-content {color: #ffc005; text-decoration: none;}
.mw-body-content {color: #ffd557; text-decoration: none;}
.mw-body-content {color: #ffc005; text-decoration: none;}
.mw-body-content {color: #ffc005; text-decoration: none;} */

/* Image List Page Controls */

.oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-flaggedElement-progressive > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
  color: #b0bbd2;

/* Recent Changes - Active Filters Box */

.mw-rcfilters-ui-filterTagMultiselectWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget-handle {
  background-color: #283d53;
  border-radius: 13px;

.mw-rcfilters-ui-filterTagMultiselectWidget-views-select-widget.oo-ui-widget {
  border: 0px solid #00000000;

.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget-outlined {
  background-color: #3b4f60;

.oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-inputWidget-input {
  border-radius: 10px;
  inset 0 0 0 1px #8383c1;

.oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
  color: #a7caee;

.oo-ui-buttonElement-frameless.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button:hover {
  color: #e2edf9;

.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget-outlined {
  border-radius: 14px;

.mw-rcfilters-ui-filterTagMultiselectWidget-cell-filters div.oo-ui-tagMultiselectWidget-group {
  background-color: #4b6f95;
  border-radius: 11px;

.mw-rcfilters-ui-filterTagMultiselectWidget-wrapper-content-title {
  color: white;

/* Gallery Area */ {
  margin: 0.5em 0 0 0.6em;
  padding: 7px;
  background-color: #25244440;
  border-radius: 10px;
  width: 95%;

/* Round Div Templates */

.rounddiv {
  background-color: #313146;
  border-radius: 10px;
  padding: 3px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  box-shadow: inset 0.5px 0.5px 0.5px #9a9ab380, 2px 2px 3px #0000004f;
  margin-top: 6px;

/* Block User Page */

.oo-ui-labelWidget.oo-ui-inline-help {
  color: #c3c2e6;

.oo-ui-fieldLayout-disabled > .oo-ui-fieldLayout-body > .oo-ui-fieldLayout-header > .oo-ui-labelElement-label {
  color: #dddcf0;

/* Custom Cursor */

body {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;

#wpDestFile, #wpUploadDescription, #wpLicense {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;

a:hover {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;

input[type="button"] {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;

vector-menu-tabs ul {
  margin-left: -1px;

.vector-menu-tabs li a {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;
  height: 39px !important;

span#basic-tooltip {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;

/* pre {
  cursor: url(''), text;

#wpDestFile, #wpUploadDescription, #wpLicense {
  cursor: url(''), text;

input {
  background-color: #444444;
  cursor: url(''), text;

label {
  cursor: url(''), text;

.mw-editform #wpTextbox1 {
  cursor: url(''), text;
} */

/* The main body stuff */

body {
  background-color: #444362;

#contentSub, #contentSub2 {
  color: #fff;

code {
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #2d264f;
  font-size: 11.5px;

.editOptions {
  color: #fff;

.oo-ui-textInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-inputWidget-input {
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #c8c8c8;

.oo-ui-textInputWidget .oo-ui-inputWidget-input {
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #35354a;

.oo-ui-dropdownWidget.oo-ui-widget-enabled .oo-ui-dropdownWidget-handle {
  color: #fff;  
  background-color: #15304a;

/* Search Results */

.mw-search-result-data {
  color: #b0f092;
  font-size: 49%;

/* Gallery */

li.gallerybox div.thumb {
  background-color: #313144;
  border: 1px solid #6c6a9f;
  border-radius: 7px;

div.gallerytext {
  font-size: 85%;

/* Custom Cursor */

p {
  cursor: url(''), pointer;

/* span.editHelp {
  cursor: url(''), text;
tbody {
  cursor: url(''), text;
tr {
  cursor: url(''), text;
td {
  cursor: url(''), text;
} */

/* File Upload Text Boxes */

#wpDestFile, #wpUploadDescription, #wpLicense {
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #2d264f;

.mw-body .mw-indicator {
  margin-right: 15px;
  margin-top: 6px;

/* First Header */

.mw-body .firstHeading { 
  background-color: #39384f;
  width: 98%;
  border-radius: 30px;
  padding-left: 30px;
  border-bottom: 3px solid #202037;
  font-family: verdana;
  font-size: 26px;
  text-shadow: -2px 2px 0px #0000004f, 0px 0px 6px #0000;

/* Brackets in Headers */

.mw-editsection a {
  letter-spacing: 0px !important;

.client-js .mw-content-ltr .mw-editsection-bracket:first-of-type, .client-js .mw-content-rtl .mw-editsection-bracket:not(:first-of-type), .client-js .mw-content-rtl .mw-editsection-bracket:first-of-type, .client-js .mw-content-ltr .mw-editsection-bracket:not(:first-of-type) {
  color: #b0afc4;

.mw-editsection-divider {
  color: #8a8999;

/* Drop box that has the word "more" in it. */

.vector-menu-dropdown h3 {
  color: #fff;

.vector-menu-dropdown .vector-menu-content-list {
  background-color: #474664

.vector-menu-dropdown li a {
  color: #eee;

/* Preview/Warning Box */

.warningbox {
  color: #fff;
  background-color: #ac1616;
  border: 2px dashed #d26363;
  padding: 10px;

/* HR */

hr {
 background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(0,0,0,0) 0%, rgb(161, 159, 191, 0.65) 50%, rgba(2,0,36,0) 100%) !important;

.mw-body-content h4, .mw-body-content h5, .mw-body-content h6 {
  color: #fff;

.mw-body-content h4 {
  font-size: 108%;
  margin-top: -1px;
  margin-left: 14px;
  padding-left: 7px;
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right,#38374f42 20%,transparent);
  border-radius: 20px;
  padding-top: 1px;

.mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend {
  color: #62618c;

/* Recent Changes Abbr */
.mw-rcfilters-ui-changesListWrapperWidget .mw-changeslist-legend {
  color: #b4b3e1;
  background-color: #38384f;

/* Bullet Point List */

ul {
  list-style-image: none;

/* Update Footer */

#footer-info li {
  color: #9997ce;

.mw-footer {
  padding-left: 31px;
  font-size: 14px;

/* Upload File Fields */

fieldset {
  border: 2px solid #3d3c55;

/* Thumbs and Captions */

.mw-content-ltr .thumbcaption {
  background-color: #2a1a55;
  color: #fff;

div.thumbinner {
  border: 1px solid #9391bb;
  background-color: #3e3260;
  margin-bottom: -10px;

html .thumbimage {
  border: 1px solid #51565b;
  background-color: #2f2f42;

/* Main Edit Text Box */

.mw-editform #wpTextbox1 {
  background-color: #37374f;
  color: #fff;

/* File Upload Options Box */

#filetoc {
  background-color: #232C39;
  border: 1px solid #67668e;
  border-radius: 7px;
  padding: 2px;
  font-size: 87%;

/* Expandable File Metadata Box */

.mw_metadata td {
  background-color: #2c3b4a;
  border: 1px solid #3c6491;

.mw_metadata th {
  background-color: #1e2b37;

.mw_metadata td, .mw_metadata th {
  border: 1px solid #6a7077;

/* List of Uploaded Images Table */

.mw-datatable th {
  background-color: #22593a;

.mw-datatable td {
  background-color: #0f2b1b;
  border: 1px solid #446233;

.mw-datatable td:hover {
  background-color: #000;

.mw-datatable th:hover {
  background-color: #114829;

/* Link colors */

a {color: #c0dfff; text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {color: #eaf4ff; text-decoration: underline dotted #eaf4ff;}
a:visited {color: #c1dfff; text-decoration: none;}
a:active {color: #fff; text-decoration: underline dotted #fff;}

/* External Links */

.mw-parser-output a.extiw, .mw-parser-output a.external {color: #97dd91; text-decoration: none;}
.mw-parser-output a.extiw, .mw-parser-output a.external:hover {color: #b9ddb6; text-decoration: underline dotted #fff;}
.mw-parser-output a.extiw, .mw-parser-output a.external:visited {color: #97dd91; text-decoration: none;}
.mw-parser-output a.extiw, .mw-parser-output a.external:active {color: #c4ecc1; text-decoration: underline dotted #fff;}

/* Broken or Inactive Link Colors */ {color: #faa; text-decoration: none;} {color: #FFD3D3; text-decoration: underline dotted #ccc;} {color: #faa; text-decoration: none;} {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ccc;}

.skin-vector-legacy, .skin-vector-legacy .vector-menu-tabs .new a, .skin-vector-legacy .vector-menu-tabs .new a:visited {
color: #faa; }

.skin-vector-legacy {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
.skin-vector-legacy {color: #ffbcbc; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffdfdf;}
.skin-vector-legacy {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
.skin-vector-legacy {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ffdfdf;}

#p-personal {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
#p-personal {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: underline dotted #ccc;}
#p-personal {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
#p-personal {color: #ffdfdf; text-decoration: underline dotted #ccc;}

/* Top of the page that has the gradient... */
#mw-page-base {background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#302f40 50%,#444362 100%);}

/* Sidebar Colors */

.portal .body li a, .vector-menu-portal .body li a {color: #dbe0e8; text-decoration: none;}
.portal .body li a, .vector-menu-portal .body li a:hover {color: #dbe0e8; text-decoration: none;}
.portal .body li a, .vector-menu-portal .body li a:visited {color: #dbe0e8; text-decoration: none;}
.portal .body li a, .vector-menu-portal .body li a:active {color: white; text-decoration: none;}

.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a {color: #99c1ff; text-decoration: none;}
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a:hover {color: #b4d1ff; text-decoration: underline dotted #e8f1ff; margin-left: 7px;}
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a:visited {color: #99c1ff; text-decoration: none;}
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a:active {color: #cadfff; text-decoration: underline dotted white;}

.portal h3, .vector-menu-portal h3 {
  color: white;
  margin-left: 11px;
  padding-top: 1px;

.vector-menu-portal h3 {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right,rgba(135, 160, 191, 0) 0,#5180bb 33%,#587caa 66%,rgba(200,204,209,0) 100%);

/* More Sidebar Stuff */

#p-logo {
  margin-bottom: 0em;
  margin-top: -5px;

/* The actual inner body of the wiki pages, where the content is. */

.mw-body {
  background-color: #58577d;
  color: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #323148;
  border-left: 3px solid #313046;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #313046;
  border-bottom-left-radius: 20px;

.vector-legacy-sidebar .vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a:visited {
  color: #5f85c7;

/* Header Text */

h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {border-image: linear-gradient(to right,#9391d0d4,#908ecc0f) 1;}

.mw-body h1, .mw-body-content h1, .mw-body-content h2, .mw-body-content h3 {
  color: #fff;
  font-family: Arial;

.mw-body-content h2 {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to right,#38374fa3 70%,transparent);
  font-size: 18.5px;
  letter-spacing: 0.6px;
  padding: 3.5px;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #706e99;
  border-top-left-radius: 20px;
  padding-left: 14px;

.mw-body-content h2:hover {
  background-color: linear-gradient(to right,#43425ea3 70%,transparent);

.mw-body-content h3 {
  font-size: 16px;
  background: linear-gradient(to right,#38374f61 20%,transparent);
  padding-top: 1px;
  padding-bottom: 1px;
  padding-left: 13px;
  border-radius: 7px;
  margin-left: 6px;
  margin-bottom: 6px;

/* Table of Contents */

.toc, .mw-warning, .toccolours {
  background-color: #3d3c57;
  border-radius: 4px;
  box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px black;
  border: 1px solid #5d5c84;
  font-size: 87%;

.toctogglelabel {
  color: #cdccd7;

.tocnumber {
  color: #fff;

/* Wikitables */

.wikitable {
  background-color: #111d28;

.wikitable > tr > th, .wikitable > tr > td, .wikitable > * > tr > th, .wikitable > * > tr > td {
  border: 1px solid #000;

.wikitable > tr > th, .wikitable > * > tr > th {
  background-color: #283b62;
  color: #f0f0f0;

.wikitable:hover > tr:hover > th:hover, .wikitable:hover > * > tr:hover > th:hover {
  background-color: #344c7d;
  color: #f0f0f0;

.wikitable > * > tr > td {
  background-color: #4b618a;
  color: #fff;

.wikitable:hover > * > tr:hover > td:hover {
  background-color: #5c729b;
  color: #fff;

/* Zippy's Custom "Specialtable" */

.specialtable > tr > th, .specialtable > tr > td, .specialtable > * > tr > th, .specialtable > * > tr > td {
  border: 1px solid #000;

.specialtable > tr > th, .specialtable > * > tr > th {
  background-color: #3f5c95;
  color: #fff;

.specialtable > * > tr > td {
  background-color: #6d88bb;
  color: #fff;

/* Vector Tabs */

.vector-menu-tabs li {
  /* background-image: linear-gradient(to top,#77c1f6 0,#58577d 1px,#302f4000 100%); */
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,rgb(32, 31, 43) 0,#58577d 70%);
  height: 37px;
  border-left: 4px solid #313046 !important;
  border-top: 4px solid #313046;

/* BACKUP two lines below... in case of... mistakes... */

.vector-menu-tabs li {
  /* background-image: linear-gradient(to top,#77c1f6 0,#58577d 1px,#302f4000 100%); */
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,rgb(48,47,64) 0,#58577d 70%);
  height: 37px;
  border-left: 4px solid #25242b;
  border-top: 4px solid #58577d;

.vector-menu-tab .selected {
  background-color: #0000 !important;

.vector-menu-tabs .selected {
  background: #0000 !important;

.vector-menu-tabs .selected a, .vector-menu-tabs .selected a:visited {
  background-color: #58577d;
  color: #fff;
  padding-top: 13px;
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,rgb(48,47,64) 0,#58577d 70%);

.vector-menu-tabs, .vector-menu-tabs a, #mw-head .vector-menu-dropdown h3 {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,rgb(37, 36, 45) 0,#4d4c6c 70%);
  margin-left: -1px;

.vector-menu-tabs a {
  background-repeat: round;

/* .vector-menu-tabs a */

.vector-menu-tabs li a {color: #c2d3f0; text-decoration: none;}
.vector-menu-tabs li a:hover {color: #fff; text-decoration: underline dotted #c2d3f0;}
.vector-menu-tabs li a:visited {color: #c2d3f0; text-decoration: none;}
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.vector-menu-tabs .new a:visited {color: #ffabab; text-decoration: none;}
.vector-menu-tabs .new a:active {color: #fff; text-decoration: underline dotted #fff;}

/* Category Box */

#catlinks {
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  border-radius: 6px;
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/* Page History */

#pagehistory li.selected {
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  color: #e8eff7;

.mw-plusminus-pos {
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.mw-plusminus-neg {
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/* Search Box */

#searchInput {
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  color: #c6e4ff;
  font-size: 71%;
  font-family: Verdana;
  border-radius: 7px;
  border: 1px solid #496cae;

/* Pre/Code */

pre, .mw-code {
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  font-size: 12px;
  background-color: #152b48;
  border-radius: 9px;
  box-shadow: 2px 2px 2px black;